
在與 歐爾班韋德爾表示,德國與該地區的關係已經惡化,尤其是與匈牙利,以及與俄羅斯、美國和中國等大國的關係。她說,改善兩國關係是她的首要任務。她堅稱德國已經衰弱,並補充說,德國「領導力薄弱,經濟政策薄弱,能源政策崩潰,而且安格拉·默克爾出台的綠色政策不明智」。

“Merkel ruined our country,” Weidel said, adding that her country was suffering from illegal migration, “imported crime”, and a high rate of juvenile delinquency. She said employees in Germany were paying the highest taxes. If AfD wins power, it will “follow the path of Hungary, the great ideal” and put Germany “back on its feet”, she pledged.
“We want to be proud of our country the way you are proud of yours,” she said to Orban, calling Hungary a “symbol of common sense, sovereignty and independence”. She said that as chancellor candidate she vowed to tackle illegal migration and take steps in the interest of a rational energy policy, rational energy prices and major tax cuts.
She said Hungary was also a model for Germany when it came to freedom of expression, adding that she wanted Germany to be a free and sovereign country that had good relations with its neighbours and both East and West. Weidel said the European Union had to be reformed from within through strong and self-conscious nations and called for dismantling the EU’s “bureaucratic, expensive and corrupt construct”.
In response to a question, she said it was a mistake to fine Hungary for the measures it has taken against illegal migration. She said the Schengen system should have been scrapped “long ago”, arguing that the conditions for its original aim of securing the external borders while abolishing the internal ones were no longer met.
Weidel said she considered it important for there to be a “strong, free and conservative voice in Europe”, adding that Europe, Germany and France were all “without leadership”, when it was important to be able to sit down and negotiate with the new US president. She said AfD wanted peace in Ukraine, accusing the German ruling parties and the EU of “feeding an escalation spiral”.
Weidel’s views on family
In response to a question, she rejected the view that AfD was a “far-right” party, calling for the need to “dispel this myth”. She said this label had been tagged on her party by the Germany secret services.
Asked about her gender and family policies, Weidel said the traditional family was a “guiding principle” for her party, because “just about 100 percent of children grow up in such families”. Weidel said she was a liberal who lives with another woman raising two boys, adding, however, that this did not hold her back from standing by a principle that was important as the fundamental unit of society.
