匈牙利頭條新聞:日本女性被謀殺的後果、最腐敗的國家、匈牙利羅斯威爾、黎巴嫩軍隊、通貨膨脹 – 11 年 2025 月 XNUMX 日

Construction and Transportation Minister János Lázár outlined infrastructure investments worth billions of forints at a press conference in Sopron (W Hungary) on Tuesday, after talks with city leaders. Lázár noted that the last stretch of the M85 expressway, connecting Sopron…
Transparency International Hungary said on Tuesday that Hungary has retained its ranking as the European Union’s most corrupt country for the third year in a row, referring to the 2024 edition of TI’s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). “In the absence…