Hungarian foreign minister: Allowing migrants into Europe unchecked ‘act of stupidity’

Budapest (MTI) – Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann fails to see that allowing hundreds of thousands or millions of people to enter Europe unchecked is “not an act of solidarity but an act of stupidity,” Hungary’s foreign minister told MTI on Sunday.

Peter Szijjarto responded to comments the Austrian chancellor made to Austrian public service television channel ORF and the daily Oesterreich about the Visegrad Four countries’ proposed solutions to Europe’s migrant crisis.

Faymann told Oesterreich that while the “coalition of the willing” seeks to find a solution to the crisis, the Visegrad Four countries have dismissed all of their proposals. The chancellor told ORF that in the future, migrants should be registered in external reception centres and people eligible for asylum should be distributed among EU member states. This, however, will only work if every member state adopts the same migrant registration procedures.

Szijjarto responded by saying that real solidarity means helping people fleeing conflict take refuge somewhere close to their homes in humane conditions, so that when the conflict ends they can return to their home countries. Stupidity, on the other hand, is admitting hundreds of thousands or millions of people into Europe when everyone can see that “neither the European people nor the migrants have got what they wanted”.

Szijjarto said that “as usual”, the Austrian chancellor is “lying about Hungary” and trying to bring even more migrants into Europe and distribute them by blackmailing EU member states.

Photo: MTI



  1. Hungary is obviously one of the VERY FEW countries in Europe which can see that the action of Merkel & other ‘mental retards’ to allow in HORDES of (Muslim) ‘refugees’ is NOTHING but an act of SHEER STUPIDITY !!

    Congratulations – yet again – to the Hungarian foreign minister for ‘telling the truth’ and clearly stating that the comments of the Austrian chancellor are nothing but a pack of lies.

  2. Agree totally. Why should Hungary and the visigrad countries destroy their cultures because of these idiots.

  3. Everyone who knows about the bitterness and oppression of Ottoman Turkey’s treatment of their subject nations and understand the dark nature of Islam would understand that to permit Muslims to invade with impunity and have to pay them a Jizya tax for the priviledge of pleasing them will bring nothing by shame, poverty and rebellion. No Europeans want or need this dangerous religions in our midst again. Just ask the Serbs, Bulgarians, Greeks or Hungarians how much their country gained with Islam as a counterfeit and violent religion was dominent.

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