One million sign Fidesz initiative against migrant quotas

Budapest, November 30 (MTI) – So far, over one million people have signed ruling Fidesz’s protest against the European Union’s mandatory migrant quotas, Fidesz group leader Lajos Kosa announced on Monday.
Speaking at a press conference, Kosa also voiced his party’s commitment to going on with the signature drive unless the EU drops the quota system.
Kosa insisted that the quota system, now aimed at distributing nearly one million illegal immigrants already in Europe, is “illegitimate, bad and unacceptable to Hungary”. He said that distributing the immigrants would not resolve any of the problems but create new ones. He also said that “terrorism goes hand in hand with illegal migration”.
Asked about a recent statement by Gabor Huszar (Fidesz), mayor of Szentgotthard in western Hungary, suggesting that “certain business circles” and the Jewish state stood behind the Paris terror attacks, Kosa said that the mayor had “expressed his personal opinion” which has nothing to do with Fidesz’s official position.
Kosa reiterated that Fidesz condemns all kinds of terrorism.
Photo: MTI
Copy editor: bm