Train full of migrants leaves Keleti railway station, stops at Bicske – UPDATE – PHOTOS

Budapest, September 3 (MTI) – A train full of migrants left Budapest’s Keleti railway station, but only travelled until the town of Bicske, 35 kilometres west of Budapest, where migrants were taken off the train by police, an MTI correspondent said.
Police then placed groups of migrants on buses bound for the local reception centre. Some 20 police cars are in the area, the correspondent said. Interpreters are at the scene telling the migrants that they cannot travel onwards without valid documentation.
The migrants are shouting “No camp!” and are refusing to come out of the underpass connecting the platforms with the train station, MTI’s correspondent said.
Bicske, 2 PM
2015. September 03. 14:34
Migrants back on train at Bicske, refuse to go to camp
Budapest, September 3 (MTI) – Migrants who boarded a train at Budapest’s Keleti railway station on Thursday morning and told by police to get off in the town of Bicske near a refugee camp, have now got back on the train, an MTI correspondent said.
Police first placed groups of migrants on buses bound for the local reception centre in Bicske, 35km west of Budapest, but many of them refused, staying instead in an underpass connecting the platforms with the station. Police told the migrants through interpreters that they cannot travel onwards without valid documentation, but many of them are now boarding the train again, the correspondent said.
There were about 100 migrants on the train, most of them men, though some women and children also had boarded.
Some 20 police cars are in the area, the correspondent said. The migrants shouted “No camp!” and re-boarded the train amid a stand-off with police officers.
Several other trains stopped at Bicske station; disembarking passengers were escorted by police to the station building, the correspondent added.
Photo: MTI
Useless folks from muslim countries,,,, send them back to Saudi Arabia , Kuwait or any other muslim countries to practice there own religion.
Use force and send them back to Turkey. Muzzies
The migrants have a great proportion of able bodied men. Many of them openly admit that they are avoiding being drafted into the army of their country in the Middle East. It is well known that the Iraqis ran away and gave up their arms to the ISIS and so they gave away their country. Now they would want to be resettled in Europe under disguise as Syrians. It can be further the case that the real Syrians do not want fight in Assad’s army. It is the general opinion that to defeat the ISIS a ground force is needed. Instead of running away and imposing themselves on Europe these young man ought to fight for freedom in their own country. Hungary fought for its freedom, and so did others. If they ran away there would be no Hungary. These young man should be trained, armed and made to go back to fight to liberate their country, The ground force should not be cowering in Europe. Where is the UN. Why can’t they make Assad come to the table to work out some kind of agreement. It cannot be that these factions in the Middle East fight each other, while they inundate their population to burden other Nations.
Hungary is already overburdened by unwelcome foreigners. Send them back to wherever they came from. They are not legitimate refugees but opportunity seekers