Hungarians Still Wary of Politicians
If Hungarian politicians want to attract voters in the run-up to the country’s 2014 election they should probably put out a few fires and deliver some letters, The Wall Street Journal reports.
A new survey by market research group GfK Hungaria found that politicians continue to languish as Hungary’s least trusted people while firemen and postmen top the table. One possible silver lining for politicians is that although Hungarians trust them as little as ever, bankers are well on the way to catching up with them. The survey found that only 16% of Hungarians claimed they trusted politicians. That was little changed from 17% in 2008 and a slight improvement on 2009 and 2010, GfK said.
Meanwhile, the financial crisis has taken a harsh toll on the public’s view of bankers. Only 31% of those surveyed said they trust them now, down from 48% in 2008. “The bankers’ profession is battling with a crisis of confidence, probably as a result of the economic crisis,” GfK said.
Journalists are trusted only a shade more than bankers at 34% in 2013 and 2008, according to the survey.
Confidence in marketing and advertising experts, lawyers and judges has also declined during the five years of the crisis. Doctors, while still among Hungary’s most trusted people, have slipped to 84% from 86% in 2008.
Among the winners, firemen occupy the prime spot as the country’s most trusted profession, scoring 95% in both surveys. They were only narrowly ahead of postmen who made gains in the latest poll, rising to 93% from 90% in 2008. Teachers also made progress, rising to 90% in 2013 from 81% in 2008, while trust in policemen increased to 74% from 70% five years ago.
The Wall Street Journal according, priests are still trusted by just over half the population, scoring 52% this time compared with 53% in 2008, putting them on a par with trade unionists and corporate chiefs at 51%, up from 45% and 47%, respectively, in 2008.
GfK Hungaria conducted the survey in August, based on a representative sample of 1,000 people aged 15 to 69.
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