Panel Programme: Another three billion forints to help out stuck tenders

The Ministry of National Development has awarded a subsidy of HUF 3bn (cca. 10 million euro) for the financing of the applications of the Green Investment Scheme Panel Programme II.

In the call for applications launched by the previous government in 2009, investment worth HUF 14bn related to approved applications was held up for lack of coverage. A new decision allocating funds from the revenues of carbon dioxide quota sale is to make it possible for 104 residential communities to implement their planned energy management development. The refurbishment affecting the homes of over 4700 families is to produce contracts for small and medium businesses in the Hungarian construction industry worth some HUF 6.5 billion.

The tender management company ÉMI Nonprofit Llc is awaiting response letters from residential communities previously notified of the outcome of the revision of the tender so that the HUF 1.56bn still available from the quota revenues can be allocated.

The government continues enhanced efforts to raise funding opportunities as soon as possible in order to enable the implementation of all in 2009 approved applications of the GIS Panel Programme II (ZBR-II).

Source: Ministry of National Development

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