economic crisis in Hungary


Hungarian government intentionally unleashed inflation?

The government expects a more dynamic economic growth than the experts. #Hungary #dailynewshungary #economy #hungarianeconomy #money #crisis #statistics

Hungary’s inflation is EU champion, would be lower if we used euro

Hungary's inflation is the highest in the European Union but would be much lower if we used euro instead of forint. #euro #Hungary #inflation #crisis #economy

Hungary expected to see the highest average annual inflation in the EU this year

According to the European Commission's latest report, Hungary's average annual inflation will be the highest in the EU this year. #dailynewshungary #hungary #inflation #EU

New crisis approaching Hungary: poor quality, very expensive onions will rule markets

The era of poor quality and very expensive onions is to come in Hungary, below you may read why and what to expect. #Hungary #Hungarian #onion #gastronomy #price #money

Hungarians get rid of the forint, use foreign currencies

It seems that the Hungarians no longer have trust in the forint. Therefore, they buy foreign currencies. Below you may read the details. #Hungary #Hungarian #economy #forint #dailynewshungary #crisis

Government wants to reindustrialise Hungary

The Hungarian government has launched several programmes to counter the negative effects of global challenges #Hungary #Hungarian #government #Germany #industry #economy

New GDP data: Hungary in technical recession!

The new Hungarian GDP data shows that the country is in a technical recession, but the Economic Development Minister does not seem worried. #Hungary #Hungarian #government #economy #statistics

Horrific price increase could be expected in Hungary once the food price cap ends

In the long term, however, consumers will be better off - experts say. #Hungary #Dailynewshungary #food #pricecap

These three food items have doubled in price in Hungary within a year

The lowest-income earners are the most affected by the sharp jump in food prices. #dailynewshungary #hungary #food #inflation

European Commission raises Hungary 2023 GDP growth forecast

The #EuropeanCommission raised its projection for #Hungary's GDP growth this year to...

Record-high January inflation in Hungary: trend turn? – UPDATED

The inflation in Hungary was record-high again in January, but the minister for economic development said some good news, too #inflation #economy #crisis #dailynewshungary

Experts: 375 HUF/EUR reachable – here is when and how

Hungary badly needs a visible advance concerning the EU money but if that happens the forint may have a good year. #Hungary #Hungarian #forint #dailynewshungary #economy #EU #FED #USA

Hungarian prices beat Scotland and Spain

Here is the cost of foodstuff in Scotland and Spain compared to the prices of grocery items in Hungary. #Hungary #dailynewshungary #price #pricecap #hungarianeconomy #economy #crisis #inflation #money #statistics #Spain #Scotland

Hungarian forint losing its value again, here is why

Yesterday was not the luckiest day for the Hungarian forint and those Hungarians who receive their monthly salary in forint. What can we expect today? #Hungary #forint #economy #crisis #currency #euro

Apart from Russia, only Hungary is likely to sink into recession in Europe

Hungary and sanctioned Russia are the only two countries facing recession in Europe. #Hungary #dailynewshungary #crisis #economy #hungarianeconomy #economiccrisis #Russia #Ukraine #war #recession #sanctions

Fresh study on food inflation: Hungary not performing well

Hungary holds a top 10 position in the list of countries ranked by real food inflation. #Hungary #DailyNewsHungary #food #inflation #economy

650 employees fired, Swedish appliances maker ceases production

Electrolux will discontinue production at its refrigeration products factory in Nyíregyháza, in northeast Hungary, from the beginning of 2024 #Hungary #Hungarian #Nyíregyháza #economy #crisis #Electrolux

Hungarian civil servants say they cannot make ends meet

"Our livelihoods and our rights are under threat," the head of the civil servants union (MKKSZ) said, adding that a third of civil servants had "already thrown in the towel". #Hungary #Hungarian #civilservant #dailynewshungary #money #economy #crisis #inflation

Hungarian minister made it clear when Hungary could introduce the euro

Márton Nagy, Hungary's economic development minister, talked about when Hungary might introduce the euro yesterday. #Hungary #euro #dailynewshungary #government #economy #food #foodprices

Here’s the latest data, Hungary’s budget deficit is over €12 billion

The full-year cash flow-based budget deficit target was 3,152.7 billion forints, but...