economic crisis in Hungary


The increased Ukrainian grain export is causing problems for Hungary

The increased Ukrainian grain exports have badly affected the EU agricultural market. #Hungary #Dailynewshungary #Ukraine #grainexport #EU

Fitch debased Hungary’s credit rating

Fitch Ratings debased Hungary's credit rating at a scheduled review on Friday. You may read the details in our article #Hungary #Hungarian #Fitch #economy #dailynewshungary

Prices in Budapest are becoming unaffordable for Hungarians

This is how much money a family of five can spend in a day in Budapest. #Hungary #dailynewshungary #money #Budapest #sightseeing #crisis

What will happen to Hungarian spas and hotels in the economic crisis?

Hungarian spas and hotels are facing further decline in tourists due to rising prices. #hungary #dailynewshungary #baths

Removal of food price caps expected in Hungary

The removal of the price caps will be very painful for the public. #Hungary #dailynewshungary #pricecap #money #inflation #economy #economiccrisis #Hungarianeconomy

International bank talks about the gloomy future of Hungary’s economy

The London centre of the UniCredit Bank talks about the gloomy future of Hungary's economy - read more in our article #Hungary #UniCredit #London #economy #future #dailynewshungary #prognosis

Hungarian minister is very happy, we show you why

You may read in our article why Márton Nagy, Hungary's newly appointed minister for economic development was happy today. #Hungary #economy #labourmarket #MártonNagy #dailynewshungary

Should we expect HUF 360/EUR or HUF 400/EUR in 2023?

They is the biggest question concerning everybody in Hungary who receive their salaries in forint instead of euro. What can we expect in 2023? #forint #euro #economy #dailynewshungary #inflation #Hungary #nationalbank #government

PHOTOS: Emblematic Hungarian rural restaurant, foreign tourists’ favourite closed

In 2023, an emblematic Hungarian rural restaurant, a popular meeting point for locals and tourists alike, decided to close. PHOTOS below! #Hungary #Hungarian #Eger #restaurant #dailynewshungary #photogallery #SenatorHáz #crisis

Euroisation starts in Budapest this February

A Hungarian beauty salon is to introduce EURO prices in Budapest in February. Is this the first step of euroisation in Hungary? #Hungary #Hungarian #Budapest #beautysalon #euro #crisis #inflation #dailynewshungary

Significant increase in the tuition fees at Hungary’s universities

The tuition fee at Hungary's popular universities and programs will increase significantly from September 2023. #Hungary #Hungarian #tuitionfee #university #dailynewshungary #money #economy #crisis

Jobless rate in Hungary increased

The Central Statistical Office (KSH) shared the jobless rate in Hungary said on Friday and you will not be happy after reading it

Hungarian businesses may close if the situation does not take a drastic turn

Many Hungarian businesses may close down or restructure their entity in 2023. #dailynewshungary #Hungary #economy

Breakthrough exchange rate reached and forint may continue to strengthen!

Will 2023 be the year of the grand strengthening of the forint? Here are two prognoses that give us some hope. #Hungary #Hungarian #forint #economy #dailynewshungary #currencyexchange #euro #currency

Hungary’s economy in serious trouble?

According to a Hungarian economic news website, Hungary's economy is in serious trouble because a wage-price spiral began #Hungary #economy #dailynewshungary #inflation #wage #wagepricespiral

Hungarian government to help municipalities pay energy bills

The government has decided to spend a total EUR 109.6m helping local governments pay their energy bills

Bad news: food price rises in Hungary in the World Bank’s TOP 10 list

Hungary has been added to the list of countries with the fastest rising food prices, according to World Bank data. Check out the list and the reasons! #list #inflation #Hungary #Hungarian #prices

Orbán cabinet aims to rethink the strategic sectors system

"Hungary's government aims to avoid recession in 2023" 👀

Hungarian government triggering crisis?

Opposition Momentum on Friday slammed the government over the amendments it has submitted to the 2023 central budget #Hungary #Hungarian #government #dailynewshungary #budget #momentum

Will we pay EUR 2.5 more for each plane ticket at Budapest Airport in 2023?

The 18th district of Budapest came up with a brand new tax, the so-called passenger fee, which now constitutes the government's departure tax. #Hungary #Hungarian #Budapest #Budapestairport #travel #tourism #passenger #tax