

Orbán’s party: Joe Biden and his man in Budapest want to squeeze Hungary into the war

"They (Joe Biden and his man in Budapest) would take Hungarian soldiers to Ukraine to die"

PM Orbán: Patriotic fighters needed in Europe

Are you a patriotic fighter? #patriotism #vox #spain #orbán #ep2024 #election

Orbán’s Fidesz: strong conservative right wing ‘needed’ in the EU

Do you agree with Orbán's Fidesz? #fidesz #orbán #ep #elections2024

Will the Orbán cabinet’s new regulation make comment writers punishable?

Do you think hate speech should be stopped and punishing comment writers is a way to do so? #commet #socialmedia #media #orbán #government

Founder of pro-Fidesz CÖF publicly gives blueprint for propaganda against Péter Magyar

Read here how CÖF wants Fidesz communication regarding Péter Magyar and the WHO to change.

Interesting figures: Hungarians living in Western Europe ‘immune’ to Fidesz

Why do you think Fidesz has lower support among Hungarians abroad? #fidesz #europeanparliament #elections

Does Budapest mayor Karácsony want to ban cars older than 10 years out of Budapest?

The answer is a short but to-the-point one. #Budapest #Karácsony #car #traffic

Surprising: Fidesz politician shares strongest criticism of Russia so far

Zsolt Németh has never been so direct in his opposition to the Orbán direction when it comes to the war in our neighbourhood. #Ukraine #war #Russia #NATO #Fidesz

Does Xi Jinping’s visit pose national security threat to Hungary?

"How is it possible that, at the behest of the Chinese government, so-called volunteers in red baseball caps harassed a parliamentary representative, Márton Tompos of Momentum, who wanted to fix an EU flag on a bridge?" #china #threat #sovereignty

Fidesz Budapest mayoral candidate urges cooperation between Budapest leadership and government

An unexpected turn from Alexandra Szentkirályi. #budapest #mayor #candidate #fidesz

EP Election 2024 – survey: new Hungarian Tisza party is already the strongest opposition force

PM Orbán's Fidesz is the strongest, but Péter Magyar's opposition Tisza party is a comet, while many well-known opposition parties will disappear after the election

Budapest district mayor banned PM Orbán from local paper?

Lénárd Borbély refuted Fidesz VP Szilárd Németh's claims, saying that he did not bar anyone from appearing in the local paper. #lénárdborbély #mayor #budapest #csepel #viktororbán #orbán

Fidesz is still repeating that Brussels is pro-war

This is not the first time a Fidesz politicians says this. #fidesz #brussels #war

Budapest mayoral candidate of Fidesz promises clean, organised Budapest

"I promise that if I become mayor, this capital city will see progress, and rid itself of its debilitating traffic chaos, with clean and organised public spaces awaiting us," Alexandra Szentkirályi said. #fidesz #budapest #mayor

Orbán’s Fidesz ready to win the 2024 EP election – UPDATED

Will Orbán win again? #fidesz #ep2024 #elections

PM Orbán’s parliamentary group leader: foreign financiers trying to install pro-war left-wing government in Hungary

Do you agree with Fidesz parliamentary group leader Máté Kocsis? #mátékocsis #leftwing #war #ukraine #parliament #2024elections

The European Parliament spreads lies about Hungary?

A resolution of the European Parliament before the elections raising concerns regarding the Hungarian judiciary, media and corruption spreads lies? #europeanunion #eu #europeanparliament

Fidesz content with EP’s Western Balkans Growth Plan

Without the Western Balkans, the European Union could not succeed in the global competition, Fidesz MEP Kinga Gál said. Do you agree with her? #fidesz #westernbalkans #europeanparliament #europeanunion

Ruling Fidesz is afraid of a migration wave towards Europe

Do you think the conflict between Iran and Israel could worsen? #war #middleeast #migration #fidesz

Fidesz submits another package of laws in child protection

Are real problems addressed though? #childprotection #fidesz #law