Hungarian government


The Orbán cabinet believes provided they lost the EP elections, the war would not end

"In these extraordinary times the person of elected officials could largely determine if we live in peace in the future or in war" FM Szijjártó said. #szijjártó #war #ukraine #eu #europeanunion

PM Orbán’s political director: European Union is tool for Hungary’s progress

The European Union is not a goal for Hungary but a means to achieve progress, the prime minister's political director said on Friday. #europeanunion #eu #politics

Hungarian government sends email to public concerning NATO plans on Ukraine war

The government has sent out an email concerning its standpoint on NATO plans in Ukraine. #government #nato #ukraine #war

This is the reason why Chinese President Xi Jinping came to Hungary – UPDATE

Numerous agreements have been signed. #China #investment #diplomacy

Minister Gulyás: Hungary wants to stay out of Ukraine war

He said Hungary doesn't want to participate in the NATO mission in Ukraine either. #ukraine #war #nato

Hungarian government bought properties worth EUR 80 million in foreign countries

The Orbán government bought properties for around EUR 80 million in a handful of countries. #property #orbán #government #money

FM Szijjártó in London: Everything must be done for Hungarian nation’s survival

Everything possible must be done to ensure the survival of the Hungarian nation, Péter Szijjártó said in London. #szijjártó #london #hungarians

Hungarian government to spend huge amounts on worker housing

According to the government, they are not being built for foreign guest workers. #guestworkers #government #funding #housing

Fidesz Budapest mayoral candidate urges cooperation between Budapest leadership and government

An unexpected turn from Alexandra Szentkirályi. #budapest #mayor #candidate #fidesz

Hungary continues to seek close cooperation with FAO

Hungary continues to seek close cooperation with the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)

Chinese President Xi Jinping will arrive in Budapest soon, these will be the main topics of his visit

These will be the highlights of Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Budapest:

Uzbekistan Hungary concludes important new agreements and resumes direct flights

Meeting of the Hungarian-Uzbek mixed economic committee, investment zone for Hungarian companies, direct flight from Budapest to Tashkent, scholarship program and many more:

Ukraine, Gaza, Sahel: Orbán cabinet says Hungary ‘cannot be accused of lacking solidarity’

"Hungary cannot be accused of lacking solidarity, as it had launched the largest humanitarian action of its history to aid Ukrainians fleeing from the war and..."

European farming under ‘green ideological pressure’, says Hungarian minister

European farming: The Hungarian agriculture minister said the EU's policy of compulsory set-aside "endangers food security", details HERE

Great business development ahead for SE Hungary, says Minister Lázár

More investment coming to SE Hungary, details HERE:

Representatives of the Bavarian Christian Social Union in Budapest

"Bavaria is Hungary's primary trading partner in Germany"

Washington Post: US conservatives should not ally with China-friendly Orbán

Not every US conservative thinks that those on the right should ally no matter what.

Details of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Budapest revealed – UPDATE

Chinese President Xi Jinping is visiting only two EU Member States, and now more details of his visit to Budapest have emerged:

German investors fed up with Orbán’s policies: will they leave Hungary?

The Hungarian government wants foreign companies to leave certain sectors - German investors are not happy. #germany #scholz #audi #mercedes #bmw #rheinmetall #investment #orbán

Orbán cabinet: Hungary prepared for EU presidency

Hungary "stands prepared" to take over the presidency of the European Union on July 1, the state secretary for European Union affairs ministry said. #eupresidency #europeanunion #eu #government