renewable energy


Hungary lies on hidden treasure, yet this huge energy source remains largely untapped

Do you agree with the experts about exploiting this valuable energy source in Hungary?

Hungary sets world record for the third time at Europe’s largest energy efficiency competition

Congratulations to students of the SZEnergy Team of Széchenyi István University!

Hungarian delegation visits ‘geothermal innovation world leader’

Gothermal energy is the future? #energy #powerplant #iceland #visit #government

Hungarian artificial intelligence invention to revolutionise solar energy sector?

A Hungarian artificial intelligence expert cooperated on a revolutionary new project that could help the fight against climate change.

The Dynamic Duo of Renewable Energy: Enhancing Efficiency with Lithium Batteries and Flexible Solar Panels

The quest for renewable energy solutions has led to the fusion of two powerful technologies: lithium batteries and flexible solar panels.

Hungary to be in the top 5 in green energy storage worldwide by 2030, says official

"Hungary is set to have the largest green energy storage capacity in the world by 2030"

Budapest Airport taking off: transatlantic flights, terminal 3 and more!

In a recent interview, Kam Jandu revealed the airport's plans and projections. The future is looking bright for Budapest Airport! #Budapest #airport #plans #flights

Orbán cabinet gets rid of foreign competitors in this skyrocketing economy branch – UPDATED

The Orbán cabinet does not want foreign competitors in this economy branch in Hungary #Orbáncabinet #solarpower #France #Denmark #Germany #energy #electricity

Energy minister Lantos: Future of Hungarian industry is hydrogen

Hydrogen is expected to be a dominant energy component in the future, and the Hungarian industry must be ready for it, Lantos said. #hydrogen #energy #economy #industry

Hungarian energy ministry: Solar energy capacity up at 5,600 MW in 2023

The number of household solar panels has already exceeded the number forecast for 2030 by 25 percent... #energy #solarenergy

Hungary backs extension of EU measure expediting renewables projects

Extending joint EU gas procurement beyond the end of the year paves the way for "more influence" by the European Commission, Attila Steiner added. #EU #EuropeanCommission #energy

Groundbreaking discovery: Hungary will become Lithium great power?

MOL found a big locality of lithium in Pusztaföldvár. Could this be the big breakthrough for the Hungarian economy? #Hungary #Pusztaföldvár #lithium #MOL

Foreign minister: The two new blocks in Paks will be absolutely ‘Fukushima-proof’

"The upgrade of Hungary's Paks nuclear plant applies the most stringent safety and environmental protection standards"

New bill may discourage Hungarians from using solar energy

The energy minister has unveiled massive changes to the accounting system for household solar energy panels. #solarenergy #renewableenergy #energycrisis #gasheating #russiangas

Fidesz MP calls for rethink of solar panels regulations

"The energy crisis caused by the war and the related sanctions has resulted in energy price increases and fluctuations" Máté Kocsis said #renewableenergy #solarpanels #Fidesz

Leaked: Solar stop to end soon in Hungary

Major changes are coming soon in feeding electricity back into the grid. #solarpower #households #energy

Hungarian manufacturer of electric motors to invest in EUR 11 million solar power plant

The company said the EUR 11 million investment had been awarded a nearly EUR 5 million government grant. #solarpower #energy #investment

Hungarian electricity market will face negative prices?

It is possible that negative Hungarian electricity prices will occur in 3-5 years. #Hungary #solarpower

Hungarian minister at talks with Chinese AIIB president

Hungary has been a non-regional member of AIIB since 2017. #hungary #dailynewshungary #aiib #china

New energy and climate strategy accepted in Hungary

Hungary's National Energy and Climate Plan (NEKT) is being adapted in view of the changing international environment #Hungary #Hungarian #energy #climate #dailynewshungary