

International Roma Song Day to be held in Hungary and five other countries

It will start on 8 August on multiple Hungarian cities.

Hungarian Roma leader goes to prison

János Agócs, the former head of the National Roma Self-government (ORÖ), has to go to prison, a Budapest Appeals Court decided. #orö #roma #prison #crime

Fidesz MEP wants to represent Roma community and the rights of Roma women

Defending rights, opposing gender ideology: that is Fidesz's programme in the EU. #fidesz #eu

Fidesz MEP marks Holocaust Remembrance Day in Brussels

"Hatred and animosity cannot be a part of our life," Lívia Járóka, MEP of Hungary's ruling Fidesz, told a commemoration in Brussels. #holocaust #fidesz #brussels

The 2022 census results are out: here are the most important details

The Hungarian Central Statistical Office revealed the detailed results of the 2022 census concerning language, ethnicity and religion. #census #2022census #population #Hungarians

Perplexing trends: Fewer Romani but more foreigners in Hungary?

Has the number of Romani residing in Hungary declined since 2011? And if so, what's behind this trend? #romani #populationdecline #populationtrends

Hungary proud on high Roma employment levels

Roma affairs underwent a sea change in 2010 when the government started to create a work-based society in place of a benefits society, the government believes. #Hungary #Roma #government #dailynewshungary

New flag on Budapest’s City Hall: do you recognize it?

Budapest Mayor Gergely Karácsony on Saturday said his administration had displayed a new flag on the facade of City Hall #Hungary #Hungarian #Budapest #flag #Romani

Due to “racial segregation”, the European Court of Human Rights condemned Hungary in a case

A Roma student wanted to transfer to a different school but the Hungarian Constitutional Court rejected the request. #Hungary #Dailynewshungary #Roma #EU #court

The proportion of gypsy society in Hungary is increasing

At the same time, school graduation of gypsy women is expected to increase in the future. #Hungary #Dailynewshungary #gypsypopulation #population

Fidesz MEP: we must learn from the Holocaust and reject discrimination

A commemoration was held to pay tribute to the Holocaust's Roma victims in Brussels. #hungary #dailynewshungary #holocaust #brussels

Tributes pour in for jazz pianist Szakcsi Lakatos at funeral

Tributes poured in for Hungarian jazz pianist and composer Béla Szakcsi Lakatos at his final resting place

Fidesz MEP proposes setting up Roma fund

Roma employment went up by 50 percent during the past ten years. #hungary #dailynewshungary #roma #parliament #eu #employment #fund

Budapest’s House of Terror presents exhibition on 1956 Gypsy heroes

An exhibition dedicated to "the Hungarian Gypsy heroes of the 1956 revolution".

Roma leader in Hungary wanted to sell his position for EUR 74,900?

A Budapest district court on Friday ordered that János Agócs, the head of the National Roma Self-government (ORÖ), be taken into custody on suspicion of corruption. #Hungary #Hungarian #Roma #police #crime #corruption

Roma leader detained on suspicion of bribery in Hungary

János Agócs sold his presidency for EUR 74900. #DailyNewsHungary #Hungary

Mayor Karácsony: ‘No one should fear because of skin colour, identity, religion’ in Budapest

"Diversity and standing together makes Budapest strong"

PM chief of staff: ‘Roma part of the forming of Hungarian state’

The Roma community "has lived among us for centuries", and is a part of how the Hungarian nation was formed as a state, Gergely Gulyás said. #hungary #dailynewshungary #roma #nation #history

CoE: Commissioner Mijatovic was deeply concerned by the situations of third-country citizens

Mijatovic said she was "deeply concerned" by the situations of third-country citizens and...

Gunfight between two families in a Hungarian town! – PHOTOS & VIDEO

A fight broke out between two families in the Hungarian town of Kerepes. The situation reached a boiling point, police had to intervene. #Hungary #HungarianPolice #fight #Kerepes #gunfight #firearms