Viktor Orbán


PM Viktor Orbán says the liberal elite must be pushed aside

Liberals' attacks against Hungary for its pro-family, conservative and patriotic policies are in vain, "that only make us tougher - there will be no change," Viktor Orbán said. #Hungariangovernment #ViktorOrbán #liberals

Could PM Orbán have a big say in who leads the EU from 2024?

What does the future hold for the EU after 2024? #campaigns #EuropeanParliament #PMOrbán

Putin apologised to Hungary while Orbán talked about 50 pc chance of a Huxit

Putin apologised, Ukraine made a gesture towards Hungary, and Orbán talked about the end of the European Union #EU #Putin #Russia #war #Ukraine

Survey: PM Orbán’s party losing support – UPDATED

PM Orbán's Fidesz party is losing popular support, based on a new survey of Republikon Isntitute. But Orbán is not worried #ViktorOrbán #elections #survey #government

PM Orbán wants to remain in power for much longer than he previously said

PM Orbán wants to remain in power for much longer than he previously said #ViktorOrbán #elections #power #Kötcse #migration

New Ukrainian ambassador in Budapest: Many died but ethnic Hungarians keep fighting for Ukraine

Ukraine's new ambassador gave an interview to Glavkom, in which he expressed some surprising thoughts about PM Orbán's policies and shared how many Hungarians fight for Kyiv #Ukraine #war #politics #Russia #refugee

PM Viktor Orbán on holiday with opposition politician in Croatia — VIDEO

A video shows Hungary's prime minister Viktor Orbán emerging from the Croatian sea and entering a villa.... #Croatia #ViktorOrbán #LMP

Cult of personality? Orbán’s ‘orders’ on the wall of a Hungarian school

PM Orbán's cult in a Hungarian secondary school: Orbán's seven 'oders' painted on the renewed building's wall - details below #ViktorOrbán #school #education #Orbán

Orbán may lose its most powerful resort in the EU: Huxit may follow

Will Orbán's influence over the decisions of the European Council remain? #ViktorOrbán #EuropeanCouncil #EU #EuropeanUnion

Donald Trump thanks Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán

"Call Trump back! That's the only way out", Orbán said. "Thank you, Viktor Orbán!" Trump said. #DonaldTrump #ViktorOrbán #US

Orbán: Trump is our only hope – Interview with Tucker Carlson

"Call Trump back! This is the only way out," he said. #orbán #trump #tuckercarlson #interview

Orbán-university will conquer London?

The Guardian wrote that the MCC will open a branch in London to "spread Hungarian leader’s populist philosophy across Europe". #ViktorOrbán #Orbán #UK #UnitedKingdom #London #university #education #highereducation

This is why Orbán always wins: we explain Hungary’s unique utility price protection scheme

We explain how PM Orbán's most successful political product works in Hungary: the unique utility price protection scheme #ViktorOrbán #price #money #government #energy #gas #electricity

Budapest mayor wants Orbán to keep his promises

Without Budapest's support Hungary could not have hosted the recent World Athletics Championships, Mayor Gergely Karácsony said #Budapest #Karácsony #politics #WAC #athletics #ViktorOrbán

Orbán: Hungary is ancient and modern, nationally-minded and open

"Anyone here in Budapest in the past few days can see that Hungary is both ancient and modern, nationally-minded and open," Orbán said. #orbán #budapest #sports #hungarians

Minister: Biden administration tried to overthrow Orbán in 2022

The prime minister's chief of staff said 2022 was the first time that a foreign power, America, tried to overthrow the Hungarian government #USA #Biden #ViktorOrbán #2022elections #festival #Tranzit

PM Orbán: we have a plan but we need 10 more years in power

PM Orbán gave a long speech on Tranzit Festival about Hungary's place in the world and his main political goals #ViktorOrbán #Tranzit #speech #EPelections #war #europeanparliament

American television host in Budapest: Biden government hates true Christianity

That is why they hate Orbán, not because of its ties with Putin, American television host Tucker Carlson said #USA #TuckerCarlson #ViktorOrbán #government #USA

Hungary’s first home savings fund might be bought by Orbán’s oligarch friend

Hungary's first home savings fund, #Fundamenta, might be bought by #Orbán's oligarch friend but the sector is unstable #LőrincMészáros #OTP #Erste

PM Orbán announced when Hungary’s economy would start to grow again

PM Viktor Orbán shared when the Hungarian economy would start to grow again in Friday morning interview with the public media broadcaster #Orbán #economy #employment #war #Türkiye #energy