Viktor Orbán


Orbán said Hungarians weren’t a mixed race – what does history say?

Are there other "races" the Hungarians could have mixed or did "mix" with? Here is what history says about these questions. #Hungary #Hungarian #dailynewshungary #race #mixedrace #ViktorOrbán #History #culture

Socialist MEP accuses Hungarian govt of lying about teacher wage hikes

Socialist Party MEP István Ujhelyi has accused the government of lying about the wage hikes demanded by teachers. #hungary #dailynewshungary #socialists #opposition #teachers #wagehikes

Orbán meets Trump – photo gallery

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Tuesday met Donald Trump, the former president of the United States

Secretary of State: “Pope Francis spoke about race like Orbán”

Zoltán Kovács, State Secretary for International Communications, has said that Pope Francis used the term "race" in the same sense as Orbán. #hungary #dailynewshungary #orbán #popefrancis #race

Washington Post: Orbán has become role model for America’s right-wing populists

The FIDESZ president addresses the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Dallas, USA. #DailyNewsHungary #Hungary #USA #ViktorOrbán

End of Hungarian-Polish friendship, beginning of Orbán-Bolsonaro cooperation?

While the Polish PM confirmed that #Hungary and #Poland are now on separate paths, the Hungarian government offered its help to the re-election of the current #Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro. #dailynewshungary

Fidesz: Funding deal with EU ‘won’t depend on Hungarian government’

Reaching agreement with the #EuropeanUnion on the Recovery and Resilience #Fund will not depend on the #Hungarian #government, Tibor Navracsics said. #hungary #dailynewshungary

Orbán: Central Europe represents ‘traditional Western values’

Orbán said that now it was central Europe that represented traditional Western values such as Christian culture, support for families, respect for work, etc. #hungary #dailynewshungary #orbán #centraleurope

Orbán’s oldest ally changed her mind, is proud of him and withdrew her resignation

Zsuzsa Hegedűs has changed her mind, she is proud of Orbán and her resignation has now become redundant. #hungary #dailynewshungary #orbán #sociology

Fidesz MEP: Verhofstadt letter on Hungary ‘anti-Hungarian, racist’

Liberal MEP Guy Verhofstadt wrote a letter to Roberta Metsola, EP President, calling for an extraordinary session to condemn #Orbán's racist speech in Baile Tusnad. #hungary #dailynewshungary #europeanparliament

Orbán: Households to still pay capped energy bills

All #Hungarian families will continue to pay capped prices for #electricity and #gas up to average consumption, PM #Orbán said. #dailynewshungary #energy

Austrian Chancellor: Hungary key geostrategic partner

#Hungary is one of #Austria's key geostrategic partners when it comes to security, Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer said. #hungary #dailynewshungary #security

Orbán against gas embargo

Orbán recommends that the EU "shouldn't run into the wall" that is an embargo on gas imports. #hungary #dailynewshungary #orbán #vienna #gas

Viktor Orbán was booed in Vienna by radical protesters – VIDEO

Two radical organizations. The "grandmas against the right-wing" and the "SOS Balkanroute" initiative had gathered to show their dissatisfaction.

Hungarian ruling party Fidesz’s support has plummeted

Fidesz's popularity has fallen by 12 percentage points due to the events of recent weeks. #hungary #dailynewshungary #fidesz #poll

German host cancelled the accommodation reserved by Hungarians because of Orbán’s speech

"I do not wish to receive guests from Hungary." - the host wrote. #hungary #dailynewshungary #germany #orbán

US Embassy’s reaction to Viktor Orbán’s speech

The United States Embassy in Budapest issued a statement saying that any rhetoric that serves to incite hatred and spread racism is unacceptable. #hungary #dailynewshungary #usaembassy #viktororbán

Socialist MEP: ‘Orbán govt responsible for Hungary losing all EU funds’

"The responsibility will lie entirely with the Orbán government, if the EU freezes all the funding Hungary is entitled to receive," a Socialist MEP said. #hungary #dailynewshungary #socialists #opposition #orbán #eufunds

A pro-Russian who gives advice to the Hungarian government for billions

Who is this German businessman who has such good relations with both Russia and Hungary? Read our article to find out. #hungary #dailynewshungary #russia #germany #government

Hungarian FM discusses EU integration, war with Bosnian counterpart

"The European Union has a historic obligation to boost the integration of the Western Balkans," said Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó. #dailynewshungary #hungary #foreignminister #bosniaherzegovina