Viktor Orbán


Russian ambassador: Putin should continue to trust Orbán

The Russian ambassador even mentioned the Ukrainian President Zelenskiy's attempt to interfere with the #Hungarian general elections just like the Orbán cabinet said during the election campaign. #Hungary #Hungarian #Russia #ViktorOrbán #dailynewshungary #diplomacy #war #Ukraine

The top 10 economic challenges PM Orbán has to urgently deal with

A Hungarian news outlet summed up the top 10 economic challenges the new Orbán administration will have to deal with in the next months, years. #Hungary #Hungarian #economy #election2022 #forint #dailynewshungary #ViktorOrbán

Could this be Putin’s plan? Does Hungary side with Russia?

Is Putin a madman? What is his real plan? What is Hungary's position in this war? Read on to find out the answers to these questions.

These heads of government congratulated Orbán on his election victory – UPDATE

Many leaders have sent their congratulations to Orbán, but many have not yet reacted to the election results:

Zelenskiy: Orbán lacks honesty, he lost it somewhere in Russia

#Zelenskiy sent another video message on Saturday night slamming #Hungary. Jowevery, Poland will not break off relations with Hungary.

PM Orbán wins fourth successive term with landslide victory!

Hungary's Fidesz-led alliance, which has held office for the past twelve years, won a fourth successive term in Sunday's election #Hungary #ViktorOrbán #dailynewhsungary #election2022

Orbán: Fidesz secures ‘greatest win even when everyone was against us’

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, speaking to supporters as the results of Sunday's election came in, declared that ruling Fidesz had secured its greatest victory even when "great international forces" had mobilised against it. #Hungary #Hungarian #dailynewshungary #ViktorOrbán #election2022

Hungary election live, Fidesz supermajority again – Latest news, UPDATE

Today is the general election and the child protection referendum in Hungary. Check out the latest news in both themes here! #Hungary #Hungarian #dailynewshungary #LMP #Jobbik #ViktorOrbán #Fidesz #KDNP #Socialists #DK #momentum #Párbeszéd #OurHomeland #twotaileddogparty #MEMO #latestnews #parliament

Deputy prime minister: ruling parties committed to building peace

"War and peace, and Hungary's economic achievements are at stake" at Sunday's election, Zsolt Semjén, deputy prime minister and head of the co-ruling Christian Democrats #election2022 #dailynewshungary #government

This is how PM Orbán encouraged his supporters in the 24th hour

Today's general election is to end in 30 mins in #Hungary. #Hungarian #dailynewshungary #election2022 #parliament #ViktorOrbán #Fidesz

Is Hungary unfairly demonised in the West? – Documentary answers

Do you think Hungary is demonised? If so, what is your opinion, is it well-founded? 🇭🇺 #politics #hungary #election #dailynewshungary

Orbán: Ukrainians mistreated ethnic Hungarians in peacetime

Viktor Orbán gave a long interviewto commercial television channel TV2 #Hungary #Hungarian #ViktorOrbán #Ukraine #refugee #economy #dailynewshungary #jobprotection #crisis #EuropeanUnion #EU #childprotection

Joint opposition PM candidate Márki-Zay: ‘Each vote counts’

Péter Márki-Zay, the prime ministerial candidate of the united opposition, said "each and every vote counts in today's election" #Hungary #Hungarian #dailynewshungary #election2022 #ballot

Orbán cast his ballot early morning, joint opposition’s candidate voted after mass

"War and peace is at stake in the election," Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told reporters after he had cast his ballot in the national election #Hungary #Hungarian #ViktorOrbán #dailynewshungary #election2022 #MZP #opposition #turnout

Orbán: Choice between war and peace at stake

A decision between war and peace is at stake in the April 3 general election, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in an interview #Hungary #Hungarian #election2022 #referendum #ViktorOrbán #dailynewshungary

Opposition: ‘we are at the gates of victory’; Orbán: ‘we must protect Hungary’

The joint opposition and Orbán's Fidesz finished their campaign yesterday. Here is how they wanted to mobilize their voters in the 24th hour. #Hungary #Hungarian #election2022 #ViktorOrbán #PéterMárkiZay #dailynewhsungary #MZP #government

Protesters rally in solidarity with Ukraine in Budapest – PHOTOS

Protesters rallied in support of a free and independent Ukraine and against what they called the Hungarian government's "shuttlecock policy" #Hungary #Hungarian #dailynewshungary #protest #demonstration #government #ViktorOrbán #Budapest #Ukraine #war

Orbán: liberal world press, George Soros and Brussels bureaucrats are the opponents

If the left wing wins Sunday's general election, it will give the green light to weapons deliveries to Ukraine the next day, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said #Hungary #Hungarian #dailynewshungary #ViktorOrbán #EU #EuropeanUnion

“We must make it clear that the mother is a woman, the father is a man”, Orbán said

"We must make it clear on Sunday that the mother is a woman, the father is a man, and everyone should leave our children alone," he said. #Hungary #Hungarian #ViktorOrbán #childprotection #children #referendum #election2022 #dailynewshungary #family

Sunday election: West=opposition, East=Orbán?

Voters in Sunday's election will not only pass judgement on the Orbán government's past twelve years but decide whether Hungary belongs to the West or East, opposition LMP co-leader Erzsébet Schmuck said on Friday. #Hungary #Hungarian #election2022 #dailynewshungary #Orbán #opposition #LMP