Demonstration held against migration-related amendments

Budapest, September 2 (MTI) – A demonstration was held in Budapest on Wednesday evening in support of migrants and against the government’s planned amendments concerning migration policy.
The demonstration started at Nyugati railway station and people then walked on to the square in front of parliament.
Addressing the demonstration, Zsuzsanna Zsohar, an activist of the organising Migration Aid, called on the government to stop its “window-dressing measures and the fear mongering” in connection with the migrant crisis.
The organisation was able to help about 70,000 migrants in the past ten weeks thanks to the over 100 activists and thousands of people donating to the cause, Zsohar said.
She said the government should stop “demonising” people as there were no “illegal people” or collectively guilty parties. She also called on the government to actively take part in the EU’s integration policies.
Zsohar called the planned amendment “44 pages of pure inhumanity” and said for instance it allows police to enter anyone’s home if they are suspected of “hiding migrants”.
“I am not hiding migrants, they are my guests,” she said, inviting lawmakers to visit the transit zones and sealed-off refugee camps. She said another demonstration would be held against the amendments on Thursday.
The demonstration’s slogan was “Not in my name”, voicing opposition to the planned legal changes tabled to be discussed in parliament on Friday.
At the end of the demonstration people laid flowers by Parliament building in honour of the refugees.
Politicians of the opposition Dialogue for Hungary (PM) party, of Egyutt and the Socialists were seen at the demonstration, a correspondent said from the site.
Photo: MTI