Here are the most popular domestic tourism settlements in Hungary compiled the list of the most popular settlements based on domestic guest nights, gross accommodation premium income of hotels and the hotel charges per capita. It is remarkable that the most expensive cities are located in the rear section of the list.
The profession recorded the year of 2014 as a success, above all because of the more than 8%-growth of the domestic tourism. The nearly 12 million guest nights in the commercial accommodations mean HUF 70 billion domestic accommodation fee revenue as well, which is 15% more than in 2013. The gain was characteristic of all regions, but there were some settlements where visitor turnover didn’t reach the last year’s, and there are even such settlements which couldn’t repeat its performance before the crisis.
Over the past six years, the order of the most popular towns among domestic tourists has considerably changed, even if the forefront remained unchanged. Hajduszoboszlo (1), Siofok (2), Heviz (5) or Balatonfured (7) maintained their position, but for example Zalakaros (4), Gyula (6), Visegrad (13), Gyor (16), Balatonalmadi (21) stepped forward at least 3 places in the rankings based on the guest nights. The real big winners are Gyula, Balatonfüred, Buk, Gyor, Egerszalok, where domestic tourism during this period grew one and a half- two times or even much. In the regard of the domestic guest nights, the losers are Heviz, Debrecen, Pecs, Tihany, however, Heviz and Tihany could increase the foreign visitor traffic.
The situation is different if we look at the revenues. Here, in addition to the HUF 3 billion Siofok, the 2 billion Balatonfured, Hajduszoboszlo and Heviz, Sarvar (HUF 1.9bn), Eger (1.6bn) and Egerszalok (1.4bn) also appear among the best.
It is even more interesting if we try to assess which communities count just as cheap or expensive. If we classify the settlements on the basis of the accommodation fees per guest nights, there are 3 distinctive groups. Keszthely, Harkany, Matraszentimre, Hajduszoboszlo, Sopron, Berekfurdo, Balatonalmadi and Gyula belong to group under HUF 5000. Zalakaros, Buk, Gyor, Debrecen, Szeged, Eger Heviz, Tihany etc. are mid-priced with HUF 5000-7000. The most expensive town is Velence (HUF 11001), followed by Egerszalok (HUF 8752). The most expensive settlements are in the rear section of the list, while the cheap settlements (Siofok, Zalakaros, Hajduszoboszlo, Sopron, Gyula) are very popular among domestic tourists. These prices highly depend on the quality composition of hotels located in some settlements.
The real winners are those who have been attracting many visitors in such a way for years, that they can assert relatively high prices. The comparison of the settlements tell there are such towns.
based on the article of
translated by BA
Thank you for this wonderful article. We will visit this place in August. Never seen anything like it in any other country!!!
I read your paper every day, very informative and we learn a lot of the Hungarian life.
Thank you again!!!!