

Budapest, Tokaj and Nyitra – a piece of Hungary in America

In the late 1880s an American businessman, called Ralph L. Spencer, dreamed of Haralson county, Georgia, producing fine wines, but he needed immigrants who also have […]

Streets and cities preserve the name of Kossuth in US

The spiritual leader of the 1848/1849 Hungarian War of Independence convinced masses to side with the Hungarian case during his American journey, and his memory has not […]

Gellért Hotel regains its former glory after renovation

Danubius Hotels is looking for an investment partner for the renovation of Gellért Hotel. The multi-billion investment may take 1.5-2 years, turizmusonline.hu wrote. Imre Deák, CEO […]

200 young Hungarians can work in Australia

Hungary and Australia has made an agreement, according to which 200 young people can get Work and Holiday visa for a year, so many Hungarians can […]

Budapest is Europe’s 5th most dangerous city

Mercer, one of the world’s biggest HR consulting firm, publishes its quality of life index every year, which includes the list of the safest cities. British […]

Sexy sailing video about Lake Balaton – Watch HERE

Travelo.hu reports on a new high-quality video that shows a catamaran, a naked wake-boarder girl and a sailboat on lake Balaton. The idea of the short film came from a […]

Border security fence may be torn apart in March

According to mno.hu, despite the Balkan countries tightening their border controls in order to slow down the migrant influx nothing good can be expected. Experts say […]

Vienna is still the most livable city of the world while Budapest is only the 77th

Budapest is only the 77th, but it is still better than Warsaw or Zagreb. Paris lost a lot of prestige because of the terrorist attacks. Surprisingly, […]

Several Hungarian wines won gold at Berliner Wein Trophy

According to boraszportal.hu, nearly two dozens of Hungarian wines earned medals in the competition called Berliner Wein Trophy (BWT) organized by the International Organisation of Vine […]

Vast majority of Budapest people rejects incorporation of City Park

According to szeretlekmagyarorszag.hu, the majority of the respondents do not want more museums to be built in the City Park. However, they would be happy if […]

Vote for the Hungarian tree in the Tree of the Year contest!

The European Tree of the Year contest began in 2011. Its purpos is to draw attention to the significance of old trees, in connection with our natural […]

23rd International Energy and Innovation Forum in Visegrád was a huge success

According to globoport.hu, the professional seminar organized for the 23rd time this year – formerly known as the main energetic seminar – was a huge success […]

Budapest applying for the Olympics differently than competing cities

According to vastagbor.atlatszo.hu, Hungary did not even submit a logo. Iván Rózsa, Head of Communications at Budapest2024 Nonprofit Zrt. said there is no final logo yet, since no […]

Young Hungarian entrepreneurs visit HTCC Dubai

Delegation of the Association of Young Entrepreneurs (FIVOSZ) visited the Hungarian Trade and Cultural Centre (HTCC) in Dubai, globoport.hu wrote. Several business people visited the United […]

Hungarian students spread Putin’s propaganda – VIDEO

Russians launched a Europe-wide propaganda campaign by using students. They gathered students from Gábor Dénes College and Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), atlatszo.hu wrote. A Russian-Hungarian co-produced […]

World’s largest indoor water park can be built at Balaton

According to turizmusonline.hu, they want to build the 110-hectare water entertainment center with a special foil roof structure in Vörösberény, at the Lake Balaton. Imagine that […]

Dinosaurs in the Veszprém zoo

You can see life-sized copies of Dinosaurs on the Gulya Hill, from summer on, origo.hu wrote. Veszprém Zoo will be the first one in Hungary where you […]

This is why Hungarian doctors leave the country

According to blikk.hu, a junior doctor can earn HUF 9.5 million (EUR 30,640) in a year in Bristol, UK. Dr. Bálint Hargitai – a Hungarian anesthesiologist […]

Soon there may be a new World Heritage site in Hungary along the Danube

According to turizmusonline.hu, the Hungarian Danube section of the Roman Empire may win UNESCO World Heritage title in 2018, which can be one of the largest […]

This is how the Romanian secret service works in Szeklerland

Secret service agents, state officials fulfilling orders, full-time challengers are trying to intimidate Hungarians and provoke them into things that the power in Bucharest can refer […]