Merkel rejects Hungarian government’s referendum initiative on migrant quota
Berlin, February 29 (MTI) – German Chancellor Angela Merkel said late on Sunday that she rejected the Hungarian government’s referendum initiative on the European Union migrant quota.
Hungarian Prime Minister “Viktor Orbán … wants a referendum on a question as to whether Hungary should accept 1,294 migrants” out of 160,000 to be distributed among the member states, Merkel said during a live interview on public television ARD. Even then, this number could most probably be decreased because “he has many Ukrainian refugees”, she added.
“This is after all a matter of principle and I can only reject such a course of action”, she said.
Here we go again for another roller-coaster ride with Mad Merkel. Get the fences going, soldiers…. Soon we’ll need them against the German infiltrants…..
Small countries should not be forced by EU laws or bullying to take immigrants, of who have nothing in common with with EU countries. Most of these peoples as found in the UK do not integrate with the locals but only with themselves and fellow Muslims and in some cases set up “No Go ” areas.
We saw yesterday from the Macedonian-Greek border just how volatile these people are when the don’t get their own way- similar to the stoning of the train in Budapest last year. So when the EU finally decide to ban all immigrants from entry into Europe (soon) how far will the authorities go to keep them out?.
Merkel as usual is interfering in sovereign countries affairs , the EU is NOT a federation , and hopefully never will be .
The press should look at the problem in France and other countries , with the Muslim immigrants they already have , the no-go zones , the violence and crime , and the state of the public housing they live in .
It is not even published that Islam forbids Muslims to integrate into other societies and cultures , so all talk of integration is absolute lies and rubbish .
Why so little information by the press concerning the violence and crime in Nordic countries and Germany committed by the Muslim migrants , all is hushed up , and all they talk about are the migrants hardship during their travels , and never mention that the majority are healthy young men who should have stayed and fought for their countries and their rights .
The migrant crisis will be the end of the EU and its leaders hell bent on federalization and less democracy , they have brought the end of the EU on themselves .
She needs to beat it she’s Europe”s biggest bully and terrorist.