Most beautiful woman of Hungary has been chosen

Budapest (MTI) – Daniella Kiss has been chosen to the most beautiful woman of Hungary at the Magyarorszag Szepe (Beauty of Hungary) contest on Sunday, so she will represent the country in the Miss World Finals 2015 finals in Sanya, China.
The jury chose the 21-year-old Agnes Dorina Lepp as the first maid of honor, the 18-year-old Virag Steingruber as the second maid of honor of the 21-year-old beauty queen.
The audience also chose Daniella Kiss Hungary’s most beautiful woman this year.
This year too, the 16 girls were chosen from more than a thousand candidates, who contested for the win in the live program of Duna TV on Sunday evening.
The girls showed themselves, besides the traditional bikini and evening dress, in retro clothes and – like last years – in national-inspired clothes too.
In the musical program of the event, Kati Wolf, Nicholas Takacs and Attila Kokeny contributed among others, the hosts of the evening were Csilla Tatar and Levente Harsanyi.
Miss World beauty contest was first held in 1951, the first Hungarian participant appeared 26 years ago.
Edina Kulcsar, last year’s Hungarian beauty queen reached the second place in the 2014 London finals.
based on the article of MTI
translated by BA
Photos: MTI