Orbán: “Hungarians are not a mixed race and do not want to become one”

“We [Hungarians] are not a mixed race, and we do not want to become a mixed race either” – this is what Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said during his address in Tusnádfürdő (Baile Tusnad), in Central Romania today.

Beforehand, he slammed Western European countries and politicians for encouraging illegal migration and mixing their population. He said that Western-European cities were lost to the non-European population. Orbán argued that the West moved to Central Europe, suggesting that this region would be Europe’s future.

He added that 2030 would be a turning point in Europe and the USA because that is when the EU and Washington will have to address the conflicts escalating in the 2020s.

He said it would be the task of “our children” to admit Western-European Christians.

Addressing the Bálványos Summer University in Baile Tusnad (Tusnádfürdő), Romania, on Saturday, Orbán said the West was fighting against central Europe together with Brussels and financier George Soros’s “troops” to “force migrants on us”.

Orbán said Hungary’s greatest challenge was that deaths still outstripped births, with no change of the tide in sight. “Our situation has improved but there is still no turnaround, and without a turnaround, Hungary and the Carpathian basin will sooner or later be “repopulated” away from us,” he said. Migration has divided Europe, he said. “The West is split in two”, with one half comprising countries where European and non-European peoples live together. “Those countries are no longer nations,” he said.

“In a spiritual sense, the West has moved to central Europe,” he said. The two halves of Europe are locked in a battle, he said. The West has rejected central Europe’s desire to allow each nation to live as they like, “and they continue to fight central Europe to change us to be like them,” he said.

Transcript of the full speech in English.


  1. Most modern Hungarians have Slav and / or Germanic DNA. There is virtually no Magyar DNA left in Hungary. So what is he talking about? Most Hungarians are mixed race.

  2. Go figure ..KK-Orbán says “Hungary’s greatest challenge is that deaths outstrip births, with no change in sight.”

  3. “Most modern Hungarians have Slav and / or Germanic DNA. There is virtually no Magyar DNA left in Hungary. So what is he talking about? Most Hungarians are mixed race.”

    He’s not talking about other Caucasians when he says mixed race, he means Africans and Arabs.

  4. Yes, there is no denying that a lot of Hungarians have Slavic and/or Germanic DNA, and since c. the late 60s, 70s to the 80s, a large number of Vietnamese and Chinese are now “Hungarians” – some quite prominent.

    Further, it is an undeniable fact that Hungary’s population is on a serious decline.

    I’m led to believe that the best way to address that is to encourage more families/couples to have more children. I would think that the very best way to do that is BIG financial incentives – very cheap housing, less tax for families with more than two children, bigger family allowances-payments, and etc. – from the Government, but I can’t see that happening – despite its highly propagated “family” stance.

    The next best thing is to ALLOW MORE migrants IN (as per Germany) – contrary to what the Orban publicity machinery is spreading about all those “migrants” at its borders, very, very few of those “migrants” have Hungary in their sights as their number one (or even two or three) choice to settle in.

    Unfortunately, this Orban Government is extremely anti-immigration (read: against peoples of a faith other than Judaeo-Christian. So, what’s left? I can’t see Western Europeans, or any Westerners for that matter, clamouring to migrate to Hungary – even the locals are emigrating in droves. 🙁

    Something that I personally am very aware of is that this Orban Government encourages (-lack of a better word) foreign students to study in Hungary (NOT that that is a bad thing – it brings in much-needed money for those universities). Furthermore, it is undeniable that those students come from around the world, and some choose very “easy” courses (mostly at minor universities). Most of them are males. They get friendly with the local girls -most of whom are innocent, young, naïve and/or vulnerable -(Facebook is the app of choice) with the the specific intention of forming a relationship in order to marry and eventually gain an EU citizenship (and eventually move to a Western EU country).

    If this Orban Government is dead-set on “saving” the Magyar DNA (or what’s left of it) then here’s another matter for it to get “anti” about. It’s happening right on PM Orban’s shift, right under his nose.

    Ps. I’m NOT anti-immigration, neither am I xenophobic, nor am I a racist, but seeing so many young-innocent, naïve girls get conned by foreign students is an issue close to my heart. Yes, love is blind, but in most of those cases, it’s MANIPULATED. 🙁

  5. My mother is slovac. My father was a mix of german and ukranian.

    So, I belong to the ‘ancient hungarian bloodline’. Obviously.

  6. Orbán is becoming less and less credible indeed. Maybe his intention is to go more than 70 years in time with his racist statements.

  7. This goes at beyond anything to do with race. Anyone that was around in the 80s knows europe is nothing like it is to today – especially london and Paris. The average person would be very unlikely to meet a Brit or Frenchman.

  8. Anonymous says! ” 24/07/2022 at 03:42 He means niggers and Muslims. Low-color blood. Not other Europeans.”

    Well Ottoman Turks and Kurds, Arabs, “Niggers and Moslems” etc fornicated you for centuries. What colour of blood you are talking about???

  9. And yet he insists on speaking Magyar, a language brought by Asiatic immigrants. If he thinks no mixed races should be in Europe he can screw off back to Siberia.

  10. Hungary’s homogeneous population guarantees peace. The population has language, history, culture in common. Laws are based on Judeo-Christian philosophy.

    There is tribalism in most wester countries. People of common origin create settlements where different cultures are not welcome. No go zones are established. Muslim groups that arrived in the EU starting form 2015, have not managed to assimilate. These groups kept their own culture and religion. Women in these no go zones are just as oppressed as in their home countries. The 2015 refugees are mainly unemployed or employed in government make project to occupy these people New type of crimes challenge the EU police, e.g. terrorist attacks, increase of rape of women and children, attacks on Roman Catholic Churches, priests, Jewish people and beheading. A group of African migrants attacks hostels set up for Ukrainian women and children in France. The illegal migrants feel entitles even though they are economic migrants. The cost for bad EU laws is enormous and it reduces welfare money on citizens and children. Sweden is now regretting its mistake of open border.

    Mr. Orban, a conservative pro nationalist leader, is doing the right thing, his policy is for Hungary is for Hungarians.

  11. There was a time (a very dark time) in European history when a certain leader with the initials A.H. decided that Germany was only for a pure Germanic race, and look what happened under his leadership. 🙁

    When we start to make religion, colour or creed an issue, we are heading for trouble. I can’t think of any one particular religion that teaches us NOT to love one another – whether the same faith colour and creed or not.

    It is very UNCHRISTIAN to promote the dislike/disapproval of non-Christians.

    I wonder if Peter Erdo, or for that matter His Holiness Pope Francis, approves of what PM Orban is promoting?

    I wonder if all those c. 2000 Muslim Iranian students in Hungary are reading what PM. Orban is espousing? I wonder how long it will take for all that to reach the ears of Ali Khamenei and Ebrahim Raisi? I wonder when will the leaders of the Gulf States, and other Muslim-majority countries hear what PM Orban is promoting?


  12. Very few european leaders have the vision of the Hungarian leader, Mr Orban : He speaks the truth.
    As many of us know, the primary cause for the fall of civilizations, empires and cultures is corruption, and the second weakness.
    Quite simply, it happened because Europe lost its grasp of its own historic character, and embraced diversity as a national goal. In the name of equality and non-discrimination we invited mass immigration from every part of the globe, and made no demands on the newcomers to become Europeans. In fact, we gave up our european core, adopted multiculturalism and declared all cultures equal. We invited the new groups to celebrate themselves while we cravenly permitted libellous denigration of our own past. Like fools we prated that diversity is our strength, when common sense and all history tell us that strength comes from unity.
    Western European elites grew lazy, stupid and careless about our borders, about national security, even about terrorist attacks against us.
    The facts to-day speak for themselves : in all western Europe we have thousands of men who are plotting our destruction and ready to take over our countries to apply sharia law. I can understand that Hungarians don’t want to follow that path.

  13. @Anonymous (24/7/2022 at 18:30)
    The Hungarian language is a very unique and beautiful language, and to the best of my knowledge it is a URALIC language.

    The Uralic languages are only spoken by approx. 25 million people. Apart from Hungarian, the second most speakers of a Uralic language are the Finnish and Estonians – I’d hardly name any of these three as “Asiatic”.

    Having said that, The Hungarian language is so unique that neither the Finnish, nor the Estonians understand it, and vice versa.

    The Hungarian language should be treasured by all Hungarians.

    Despite the fact that one side of my family’s background/heritage is Hungarian, SADLY, neither I, nor my mother spoke any Hungarian (three of my cousins do), but I made sure that my 12 year-old little girl does by enrolling her in a Hungarian school (in Budapest) for three years of Primary school.

  14. Innocent,naive local girls🤣🤣
    Besides even for married couples non european people get nothing for being married to a hungarian citizenship.
    No until after 2 years.

  15. In the absence of the entire speech, it would be nice to have at least the whole paragraph to put his words into context. This is way too important to leave it for a lazy soundbite interpretation.

  16. @Anonymous – 27/7/2022 at 14:27
    You are entitled to your opinion.

    You may find it amusing, you may well laugh, but in two of those cases, I know the girls involved, and I am aware of many others (second-hand). In the instance of the first two cases that I personally know of, the girls were just sixteen and seventeen years old, I’d say, at that age most girls are young and naïve, and innocent of the fact that they are being used.

    For those men, sitting on a loveless (and in some cases abusive) marriage for two years to be able to get an EU citizenship is well worth waiting for. Once those men get their EU citizenship, the move on to greener pastures in Western EU countries.

  17. Ps.
    Regarding: “(and in some cases abusive)”, I should have phrased that in a clearer way. It was meant to mean, that those foreign students, the MEN, were the perpetrators of the abuse, the abuse of their young wives.

    Nb. I am NOT inferring that all foreign students do that, and certainly not all foreigners who marry Hungarian women (or for that matter, women in the other V4 member countries).

  18. My Hungarian parents escaped to Canada because w. some friends. I was left behind, as a baby. Eventually I was re-united w. these strangers by permission of Ka’da’r as the 1st child 2B allowed out of Hungary. Or so the newspapers all said in Toronto. When I had been attending school for a while my parents went to a meeting w. my teacher. She had noticed that my father tried to make me dress like he remembered young Magyar girls dress 8 years prior. She told him in no uncertain terms that if the family was to succeed in Canada, if we kids were to not be bullied, if they were to have careers & live the dream of immigrants that the family had to assimilate. They had to go to night-school & learn English & customs. That he should look to those who were success & emulate them, not losers who had been in the country for generations & still had nothing. First time in my life I knew of that my father listened to someone, took advice. They got the dream! So did their friends who had lived in our rooming house & everyone worked together & helped one another into great wealth.
    Much later in life I started noticing that many later immigrants insisted that Canada change to suite them. That customs that had held together those who had come in the mid 1900s w. their hard work ethic & construction related talents to build our great cities should be ‘adjusted’ to include them the newcomer. Rather than them adjusting to fit in. There is so much contention now across the county. Until the 1960’s there was not even a road across the country. Very early settlers had lived here for hundreds of years before ‘contact’ but there is nothing of historical significance for tourists to see here. No bridges, cathedrals, music, art, etc from those times. Europeans built Canada, along with Chinese & Japanese. Each giving their best works. Now people come mostly to take, to change, to destroy, to complain, to litigate….So Orba’n has an ideal that he wants to protect. But it is up to multigenerational citizens to do the work daily to ensure that they remain true to their ideal beliefs.
    I plan to move back home in about 3 yrs time. I’m working towards that w. decisions I’ve recently made & my daughters, born here, have got their Hungarian paperwork done. They’re independent young adults but see the benefit as North America more & more abandons it’s citizens thru dishonest politicians lining their personal pockets frm. conglomerates, interlopers & manipulators. I have noticed that all the new laws pertaining to inclusivity & tolerance etc. absolutely do not protect Christians at the same level nor those who are uncomfortable to the extreme with some of the laws. Here tiny % of the population who have free time, funds & big mouths seem to call the shots. My whole life I have used HE or SHE incorrectly. Now I can be charged & arrested if I make that error linguistically & someone takes it as a ‘micro aggression’ the latest nonsense that is now LAW. I would have to prove that I was not interested in what they are doing sexually & commenting on their lifestyle choices. Newcomers & the stupid can destroy a society, making longterm citizens feel unwelcome.

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