President Áder to open Hungarian cultural conference in Brazil

Budapest, August 11 (MTI) – President János Áder is to open a conference on Hungarian culture and language held at the Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP) in Brazil on Thursday, the Pallas Athene Domus Animae Foundation (PADA) said.
A Hungarian course launched by the university in cooperation with the University of Pécs in Hungary and with support from PADA has been attended by over 100 students in the past year and a half. The Hungarians in Brazil Conference connected to the course will be held for the second time.
There are Hungarian communities in each country in South America but the largest and most active ones are in Brazil. There are tens of thousands of Brazilians with Hungarian descent living in the area around Sao Paolo and the course helps them learn about their predecessors’ language and culture, the foundation said in a statement.
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The conference is expected to further promote Hungarian language and culture in Brazil and strengthen links between USP and Hungarian higher education institutions. The USP Hungarian Professors’ Circle is being set up this year and a cooperation agreement between the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and USP’s technical department will be extended.
Source: MTI