Turkish Airlines made emergency landing in Budapest due to an on-board issue

A Turkish Airlines plane interrupted its journey in Budapest to save the life of an 11-year-old child. The kid lost consciousness on board. The flight was headed from Istanbul towards New York.
According to portfolio.hu, an 11-year-old child lost consciousness on board of a Turkish Airlines flight from Istanbul this morning. The Airport Medical Service (AMS) of Budapest offered immediate help for the girl and continued to try to revive her. Despite the quick and professional help, however, they could not save her life. Flight TK003 will soon continue to its destination, Budapest Airport told MTI.
Later today, Blikk gained more information about the passenger and the circumstances. They wrote that the 11-year-old Georgian girl was unable to move and has been sick since birth. After she lost consciousness, the cabin crew tried to help. Then the pilot asked whether there was a doctor on board. Afterwards, he decided to land in Budapest to get professional help for the little girl.
She was travelling to New York with her parents to their family living in the USA. When they boarded the plane, she did not have any problems. However, after the aircraft took off, she struggled with the lack of oxygen. Later on, she fainted.
There was a doctor trying to help her for 40 minutes with the cabin crew. In Budapest, the ambulance of Szent Márton Hospital struggled for her life unsuccessfully. The plane left Budapest to continue its journey to New York at 1 PM GMT.