11 EP lists to compete in Hungary on 9 June

Thirteen parties or party alliances have submitted lists for the upcoming European parliamentary elections, out of which 11 have been supported by valid signatures of the required minimum of 20,000 voters, the National Election Office told MTI on Saturday.

Under the law, parties wishing to run in the election had between April 20 and May 3 to collect the required number of signatures, the office noted.

According to the office, the lists of the ruling Fidesz-Christian Democrat alliance, Megoldás (Solution) Movement, LMP, Democratic Coalition, Socialist Party, Párbeszéd-Greens, Második Reformkor Party (Second Reform Age), Mindenki Magyarországa (Everybody’s Hungary), Momentum Movement, Jobbik-Conservatives, Tisztelet es Szabadság (Respect and Freedom), Mi Hazank Mouvement (Mi Hazánk) and the Two-tailed Dog Party have been verified as having at least 20,000 signatures to support their fielding candidates in the election.

DK calls for stopping construction of battery plants in Hungary

To avoid further fatal accidents, the construction of all battery plants must be stopped and the already existing facilities reviewed, the opposition Democratic Coalition said on Sunday.

Olivio Kocsis-Cake, the party’s shadow climate and environmental minister, told a press conference that the battery plant in Iváncsa, near Budapest, had already seen three fatal accidents. He said communication between workers there was difficult due to the language barrier, “and a new tragedy is coded in the situation”.

Battery manufacturing has been proven to put the lives of workers and neighbourhood inhabitants at risk, “but the Orbán government is only interested in the profits of large Chinese companies”. “That’s why we must send Viktor Orbán away as soon as possible”, and DK will demand early general elections if the government is in the minority at the European parliamentary elections on June 9, Kocsis-Cake said.

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