32 pc of the Hungarians blame Russia, 13 pc Ukraine for the war

Hungarian respondents to a recent Századvég survey expect politicians to “exhibit self-restraint” and take a “sober approach” towards the war in Ukraine, the institute said on Thursday.

Fully 91 percent of the respondents said tensions between Russia and Ukraine should be eased, Századvég said. Thirty-two percent said Russia was responsible for an escalation of the conflict, while 13 percent blamed Ukraine. Forty-seven percent, however, said that both parties were responsible, the think-tank said.

As Hungary has worked to build balanced and peaceful relations with both Ukraine and Russia,

only 25 percent of respondents said “the Hungarian prime minister serves Russian President Vladimir Putin”,

while 71 percent saw Viktor Orbán as a leader striving for peaceful ties with Russia while trying to guarantee gas and energy supplies for Hungary, Századvég said.

Fully 66 percent of respondents said that Hungary’s relations with Russia, developed in recent years, were favourable in terms of maintaining peace and security in the country, as well as preventing the country from being dragged into the conflict.

Ninety percent of the respondents said Hungary must not get involved in an armed conflict,

and ensuring the country’s security was of paramount importance, Századvég said.

Nine percent of the polled said that punishing Putin should be a top priority, while 91 percent supported the position that tensions should be eased and threatening Russia was not purposeful.

Read alsoBreaking – PM Orbán’s wife travelled to Ukraine

Source: MTI


  1. For every action, there is a reaction. This principle can be applied in most conflicts, and it can also be applied in the Russian, American, NATO, Europe, and Ukraine conflicts. The most obvious problem is that some LEADERS are so wrapped up in their power trip, that they don’t listen to anyone’s good advice which not only makes them vulnerable but, incompetent at best at the same time. For anyone who cares to know the truth to form an intelligent opinion, one has to go way back to 1962 when the SOVIET UNION wanted to install “Nuclear Ballistic Missiles” in CUBA. Only 90 miles from the USA.
    President Kennedy put a stop to that by BLOCKING the SOVIET ships from unloading and installing the missiles on Cuban soil by threatening to use Nuclear Weapons and possibly start WWIII, which would have destroyed everyone and everything on EARTH. There would’ve been no winners! I remember the occasion well, and for a guy who knew no fear, was a daringly bold guy all my life, and an officially decorated hero. Then, I was afraid!

    Jumping ahead to the RONALD REAGAN & GORBACHEV “perestroika era” when the two presidents agreed to each REDUCE their ATOMIC arsenal by more than half, under the slogan “TRUST but VERIFY”, where each watched the other do the same and “VOILA” Communism was on its way out. Hungary dropped the IRON CURTAIN (borders to western Europe were full of landmines) which allowed the unification of East and West Germany.
    Shortly after the BERLIN wall came down and (this is very important) an agreement was signed between Reagan & Gorbachev that all the SOVIET occupied sattelite countries which used to be under SOVIET rule, will now be INDEPENDENT and will be a FREE political zone from both the NATO as well as the SOVIET UNION, soo to be renamed RUSSIA. Unfortunately, with the usual American leadership this agreement was soon breached by some of the previously SOVIET occupied countries wanting to join the non-communist WESTERN EUROPE and the temptation turned out to be
    too great of an opportunity for the Americans and NATO not to turn down and slowly, one by one American soldiers started to establish military bases in all those countries Latvia, Estonia, Litvania, Poland. Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Albenia, Croatia, Kosovo, Slovenia, except for Finnland and Ukraine who remained independent. Russia didn’t like this American-NATO expansion at all and it made it known to both repeatedly. Unfortunately, America decided NOT TO LISTEN for years and Russia became increasingly insecure. When Russia saw the USA make a move on Ukraine in 2014 it became very concerned because, Ukraine is right next to the Russian border with no safety zone in between them and it became a BIG ISSUE, similar to the AMEROCAN-CUBAN crisis. Russia has tried repeatedly to discuss the issue with the USA to no avail. Their axiety fell on deaf ears and Russia became increasingly irritated at USA’s non-chalant handling of the situation even after PUTIN told BIDEN to pull out and honor the REGAN – Gorbachev Agreement or face the consequences. You’re right, BIDEN & NATO did absolutely nothing.
    That is why we are having a war between Ukraine and RUSSIA.

  2. Let’s not forget the EU and the US role – Ukraine is just a pawn with some very arrogant people involved. Never stopped insisting it was still the communist USSR. It took a tough guy to tame a wild place and much corruption. Speaking of corruption- imajine the US VP now president as point man for 8 years and his son is making millions in little UKraine with pops getting 10%. That was the small stuff- millions from China – Russia and other countries. Who as really responsible for the revolt of the elected Putin friendly government. Let’s not not forget the media in Europe- non stop bashing Putin and this was before Trump when he became a agent for Putin- you can’t make this stuff up. The people in all these countries are victims of stupidity.

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