500 New Waberer’s International Trucks In Hungary

Budapest, March 26 (MTI) – At a ceremony to hand over 500 new trucks at transport company Waberer’s International on Wednesday, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that whereas the government could regulate, stimulate and influence the market, the actual business of operating was down to companies.

warberer-hungary-2Speaking at the company’s site in Soroksar, just outside Budapest, Orban said Waberer’s was the top of its game against the competition in Europe, and every private Hungarian company should have been developed along similar lines to Waberer’s.

The prime minister said the government had “backed the right horse” when it signed a strategic agreement with Waberer’s. The cooperation as part of the agreement will continue and elements aimed at improving will be included along the way, he added.

In this way, Hungary’s favourable geographical position from a transport and logistics point of view can best be utilised, Orban said.

Road haulage companies weathered the economic crisis in an exemplary way by raising their output, but they were only able to do so thanks to the government’s incentivising policies in the background, Waberer’s International’s chief executive and chairman Gyorgy Waberer told the event. The company raised its headcount by 600 with the recent 18 billion forint (EUR 58m) investment, he noted.

Photo: MTI

Source: http://mtva.hu/hu/hungary-matters

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