7 Best Tips to Stop Smoking 

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Is it possible to quit smoking forever? The main thing is a strong desire to become a non-smoker and a positive attitude towards the result. We have found seven main ways for you to quit smoking. Effective experts call methods that make it possible not to smoke for six months. Today, official medicine has proven the effectiveness of two methods. They go first on the list.

How to quit smoking on your own? Despite the common misconception about the complexity of the process, it is possible for anyone. According to narcologists who attribute smoking to psychological dependence more than physiological, for this, you only need to follow 7 simple recommendations. The most important question is not how to quit smoking once and for all but if you are really ready for it. Are you ready to change your life by giving up cigarettes? Are you ready to make new habits to replace old ones? Are you ready to change the circle of friends (sometimes this is also required!) Or to make the relationship in the usual circle of friends different? If you sincerely answer yes to these questions, you can begin working on yourself. Don’t be afraid it won’t be difficult. Especially when you know everything about smoking.

Facts About Cigarettes and smoking

Some people don’t know very important facts about smoking while others know but don’t really care. Read to find out what is about you.

  • Life shortens by 20 years. Long-term smokers die at a young age, usually between 35 and 60 years of age. The reason for this is violations of the heart and blood vessels, hemorrhage in the brain, oncological diseases caused by intoxication of the body, lung diseases.
  • Decreased quality of life. The first cigarettes are always interesting: cheerful company, beloved friends, a bottle of beer or wine, no health problems! But after a few months, the teeth become yellow, the colour of the fingers changes, a persistent unpleasant odour comes from the mouth and clothes. Further, a cough, unmotivated, often suffocating appear. Then comes the turn of the heart, which begins to show a painful state of arrhythmia and “jumps” in the chest. Next comes the problems of the stomach and liver.
  • Harm to loved ones, passive smoking. Often wondering how to quit smoking yourself, a person acts under the pressure of relatives. More often than not, mothers and wives are concerned about the health of their loved ones, but they and their children are also at risk. Passive smoking delivers only 1.5 times less harmful compounds to the bodies of others than the smoker himself receives. The risk of getting lung cancer in relatives of an addict increases by 34%, and getting the cardiovascular disease by 50%.

You can stop smoking. Don’t listen to anyone who says they can’t quit. It is not true! It’s just that the person doesn’t want it, but is afraid to say it. Another common question is if it is possible to quit smoking abruptly. Not just possible, but vital! The body will not receive any “stress”, since nicotine is not built into any processes in it. Nicotine is a poison that kills you. And the “withdrawal” syndrome, which can torment a couple of days on a physiological level, is a natural reaction to the body’s need for a drug.

What Are the 7 Best Tips to Stop Smoking?

So, let’s find out what methods are the best for you to stop smoking and make the process less stressful:

The tip to stop smoking

How it works


Give up coffee and alcohol

Coffe and alcohol are the first “companions” of a bad habit. If you’re used to “coffee breaks” with smoke breaks at work, switch to tea or fruit juices. And the next gatherings with smoking friends can be cancelled or rescheduled for at least a month. Throw it abruptly: just exclude cigarettes from life, and throw away everything that accompanied them (accessories, rituals, etc.) without regrets. So you can quit smoking in 2 days, and on the second day, there is practically no physical craving for nicotine. Only the psychological factor remains, which must be dealt with.


Replace cigarette with something healthy

If a cigarette just asks to be in your mouth, send a glass of liquid (but not coffee or beer!), Chew an apple, chewing gum, mint candy. As a last resort, hold a toothpick in your teeth and get distracted by routine matters.


Avoid situations in which everyone always smokes

Do not go on breaks with colleagues, go home after work, and not to the club, even at a bus stop waiting for transport, stand in a different place, not in your usual place.


Take away all objects that are reminiscent of a habit ruthlessly deleted from life

It has no place for souvenir mouthpieces, pipes, lighters, and ashtrays. If you keep a “reserve pack” somewhere, firstly, it should be of the kind that you do not like, and secondly, seal it with tape to make it difficult to access cigarettes. And it’s better to get rid of such a “stash” altogether, believe me, you don’t need it.


Stop buying and taking cigarettes with you to work, walk

To understand how to quit smoking at home, exercise will help. Let them be gentle and very pleasant in the first days. For example, buy yourself a simple treadmill or a relaxing machine. And gradually increase the intensity of your workouts.


Calculate how much money you spent per month on smoking

Put that money aside and buy something incredibly nice with it. Better yet, go to a good gym. Tell everyone you know about your decision. Invite your smoking friends to “quit” too, bet that quitting smoking in one day is easy!


Distract your attention

Sometimes, smoking is just a kind of habit that you are used to and if you are busy enough and all your thoughts are about work you may not even think about smoking. In this way, the best method to stop smoking is to distract your attention, getting yourself involved in something

Other Ways to Stop Smoking Taking Care of Yourself

If the cut-and-forget method isn’t for you, keep a quit-smoking calendar. Decide to reduce the number of cigarettes per day, for example, no more than once every 2 hours. And record the data in a notebook. The next day, increase the interval by another hour, then another. By the end of the week, you will be able to survive a whole day without a cigarette. And if you “stretch” one, then the second, and even the third, are within your power. The best way to stop smoking is to focus on your own health and do everything to remain yourself happy and healthy. Let’s see the best ways to stay healthy with no bad habits.

Get Medical Help

The doctor will help develop an optimal regimen for the time of giving up cigarettes and, if necessary, prescribe medications to help cope with stress. Everything is scientifically based and suitable for those who prefer official medicine. Also, it is possible to use patches and nicotine gum to stop smoking in a more healthy way. The way to quit smoking without a nicotine hangover is by patching or chewing gum to deliver a minimal amount of nicotine to your body while you wean from cigarettes. The method is suitable for those who cannot endure the time of removing nicotine from the body. The disadvantages include the fact that then you will gradually have to wean yourself from substitutes. If you are a smoker with little experience, your degree of nicotine dependence is weak, and you don’t want to see a doctor, you can try one of the other methods. Go for hypnosis or visit a psychologist to figure out why smoking is your problem. The hypnotherapist inspires the patient that he no longer wants to smoke – in a state of hypnotic trance or without it. The main thing is that a person still wants to quit smoking and does not smoke for this very reason, and not because of the fear of “breaking the coding”. If, after some time, a breakdown occurs, it is better to visit the doctor again and either strengthen or remove the received settings. The method is not officially approved.

Get Yourself Into Sport

For those who are attracted to an active lifestyle, it works quite well to replace smoking with some interesting sport or fitness. Moderate and regular physical activity causes a biochemically determined feeling of pleasure. In this state, overcoming your habits is much easier and more enjoyable. In addition, sports have a good effect on appearance. Another kind of sport is an active lifestyle. You can go kayaking on mountain rivers for a month, wander through the jungle or conquer some impregnable peak. But you will have to choose a completely non-smoking team for this event – such people are found. If there is no one to “shoot” a cigarette, a tough travel regime and heavy physical exertion will soon enough make you forget about tobacco.

Indoor Activities

Yes, indoor activities may be as healthy as outdoors. While some people replace smoking with overeating or getting into depression, there are lots of ways to distract your attention from this bad habit and improve yourself.

  • Reading books. Throwing by books is very trendy these days, solo and in virtual support groups. Books can be bought or borrowed from those who have already quit. The volume may be small or large, depending on the author. Just do not listen to those who say that the book did not help them. Your goal is to quit and not to collect statistics. Books help you to become more intelligent and interesting for other people, and they are able to improve the quality of your life.
  • Gambling. It is an amazing way to get rid of bad habits as it comes with many advantages. As usual, smoking was something that improved the person’s mood, so quitting it may lead to depression and psychological stress. Having fun with gambling is a good way to entertain yourself and avoid any kind of stress. Moreover, people who would like to avoid any financial losses may play for free, while others can even earn additional profit with this activity. Online activities: “Out of sight is far from mind,” so if your mind is engaged, you will barely remember cigarettes. One of the most popular fame among ex-smokers is the Buffalo slot machine as well as its Buffalo analogues. Try out online games that can help you not only sharpen your intellect but also make money.


The main thing that you should have to make yourself get rid of a bad habit successfully is the desire and purpose. If you have a strong desire to quit smoking, you are on the right way. All the tips that have been mentioned above are good, and you should look for the most convenient and useful tip for yourself.

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