Orban had a working breakfast with EPP parliamentary leader

Budapest, June 4 (MTI) – Developing the best possible cooperation with Europe’s strongest party, the European People’s Party (EPP), is Hungary’s fundamental national interest, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said after a working breakfast with EPP parliamentary leader Manfred Weber in Budapest on Thursday.
Orban told public news channel M1 that economic issues, unemployment, fair tax policy and immigration had been discussed at their meeting.
“There is no Europe, European politics and European Union without the European People’s Party,” he said.
Commenting on the death penalty, Orban said he had assured Weber that Hungary would not introduce any rule that contradicts the European Union’s basic treaties.
Weber said Europe could learn a lot from Hungary’s palpable achievements in the economy.
Calling immigration a major challenge, the EPP group leader said that refugees arriving from civil war areas, for instance Syria, should be assisted. He added, however, that illegal immigrants who have no right to remain on the territory of the European Union should be sent home.
Weber said that rejecting the death penalty is a common European principle, and thanked Orban for having clarified the issue.
Photo: MTI
Source: http://mtva.hu/hu/hungary-matters