Jobbik: Animal abusers must be given deterrent punishment

Over the past years, Jobbik has repeatedly called attention to the depressing situation in the area of animal protection. The bestial acts committed in recent days have once again called public attention to the fact that Criminal Code provisions on animal abuse are hardly sufficient at all. A dog was brutally decapitated in Helvécia, Bács-Kiskun County, while an unrecognizably maimed dog carcass was cast off in Zugló, Budapest, says Jobbik statement.

As Jobbik MP Dr. Erik Fülöp said, unfortunately, only a few of the animal abuse cases come to light and receive media attention. How many cases of torture and abuse take place on a daily basis which we never hear of? It is a grave criticism of the current regulation that the perpetrators of even the most brutal animal torture cases may only be sentenced to a maximum of 3 years in prison based on the current Criminal Code.

Practically speaking, most animal abusers and animal killers receive suspended custodial sentences.

Even the most brutal animal killer spends no more than a few months in prison.

So we can clearly state that the current regulation has no deterrent effect whatsoever to stop animal abusers. The animal protection laws must be amended. The Criminal Code must prescribe stricter provisions on animal abuse. We will keep fighting for a more efficient protection of animals with any means available.

Source: Jobbik – press release

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