New border crossing: Ferry to link Hungary and Slovakia

A ferry link will be established under an EU funded project to serve as a new border crossing between Hungary and Slovakia within two years, ministry officials of the two countries said in Radvan nad Dunajom (Dunaradvány) on Thursday.

The ferry serving pedestrians, bicycles and cars will connect Neszmely in Hungary and Radvan in Slovakia. It is expected to be used by 600 cars a day.

The project includes constructing parking places, ferry buildings and ramps on both sides, and road connections.

Peter Kiss-Parciu, the Hungarian foreign ministry’s deputy state secretary, told a press conference that the governments of Hungary and Slovakia had agreed in 2014 to increase the number of border crossing points. There are currently 33 crossing points along the 677-kilometer border with six new points planned to be established by 2022, he said.

The cross-border project will cost 1.8 billion euros, 85 percent of which will be financed with EU funds, the Slovak agriculture ministry’s department head said. The rest will be co-funded from Hungarian and Slovak central coffers, Katarina Mihalova said.

Source: MTI

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