Coronavirus – Misconceptions about homemade masks and disinfectants

For many weeks, Hungary and many other countries have been suffering from the lack of disinfectant and surgical mask import, which became the two most essential things since the coronavirus has appeared on the continent. Following websites and social media platforms, many try to make these at home by themselves, which has more drawbacks than benefits. 

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Surgical mask

Index reported that wearing these masks is only necessary for those who have been infected, but many people rushed to stores and pharmacies to purchase them. The price of the professional hospital surgical mask has increased by 1,500% worldwide. 

It is important to know that surgical masks do not protect people from getting infected. 

These masks are used by doctors and aim to prevent the patient from being infected during medical procedures. The mask covers the doctor’s face and nose where most of the infections come from. If we would like to buy a mask at stores, the FFP3-signed ones are the best and most effective. The coronavirus also infects more and more people in a way where they do not show any symptoms. Therefore, the logical step would be for everyone to wear a mask.

coronavirus mask woman

Those who wear the mask incorrectly (not covering the whole mouth and nose) have a higher chance of getting infected because this results in touching our faces more often to get the mask into its right position. The mask on its own is not enough to protect yourself; it is also important to wash your hands more often and use disinfectant. 

The current trend is making masks out of used bras and empty water bottles and plastic bags. None of these methods protects people from the virus, but they increase the risk of choking. The simple explanation is that these materials were not made to protect people from diseases, and wearing them only tricks us and makes us believe that we are protected.

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Disinfectant or washing hands?

Both are important, but washing your hands for at least 20-40 seconds with soap and warm water more often every day is the most essential thing you can do. Many recipes haunt the online world about how to make the perfect disinfectant, but homemade ones are not as effective, and it is difficult to purchase the ingredients required. 

The correct disinfectant needs at least 60% alcohol. This kind of alcohol damages the skin, and special chemicals and cosmetics are also needed, some of which are impossible to purchase. 

If we intend to make disinfectant at home, isopropanol and aloe vera are the most effective materials. 

  • Coronavirus

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