Latest data revealed how many litres of pálinka was produced in Hungary last year

In 2019, less pálinka was distilled − from the fermented fruit mash of farmers and customers – in Hungary than in previous years, but the total amount – calculated with a distillate of 50 proof – still approached 8.5 million litres. The effects of the coronavirus pandemic on official and homemade pálinka production are still uncertain, but the economy protection measures will definitely help distilleries.

Although pálinka producers’ turnover decreased last year, almost 8.5 million litres of pálinka was produced, reported the National Tax and Customs Administration of Hungary to Magyar Nemzet. This figure is approximately 1 million litres less than the total amount distilled in 2018.

According to a distillery owner from Bereg, there is still a great demand for pálinka; however, money – and the lack of it – is a determining factor.

So far, the coronavirus pandemic has not reduced the demand for the iconic Hungarian fruit brandy.

pálinka, Hungary, drink
Read alsoCoronavirus – Hungarian mayor makes disinfectant out of pálinka

The distiller added that the mash can only be stored for a certain amount of time; it has to be distilled sooner or later. His business could benefit well from the contribution reliefs introduced by the government to mitigate the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

In recent years, the number of distilleries in the country has been around 550, and this number was 553 at the beginning of the year.

The special nature of the service might explain the authorities’ interest in the activities of distilleries. The National Tax and Customs Administration of Hungary informed Magyar Nemzet that approximately three thousand inspections were carried out last year by employees of NTCA’s county directorates. The investigations included both pre-planned and unexpected actions. The revisions revealed a total of 350 cases of infringements. In most cases, the problem was that businesses did not keep their records properly. In other cases, inspectors found unregistered alcohol products in the distillery.

#pálinka #drink #tradition
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