Here is how many times young Hungarian women have sex a month!

A representative online survey shows that the range is wide: from once or twice a week up to 10 or 12 times. Not surprisingly, married couples do it fewer times, while those in their 30s enjoy sex most regularly.

According to, Joy Magazine published the results of the first round of a representative online survey on the occasion of the Day of Sexual Health (September 4).

Interestingly, 20 pc of Hungarian women between 18 and 49 do not have sex at all. 60 pc of them have sex at least once a month. Among this group, there are 16-16 pc who have sex either 1-2 times or 10-12 times a month.

Seven pc have sex each day.

Meanwhile, the rate is the same in the case of those who are active only once or twice a year.

Sexual psychologist Erika Rozs said that those women are the happiest on average who have sex 1-3 times a week. That includes masturbation, too. More sex does not increase individual happiness while having sex fewer times results in mental and health problems only in the long run. Of course, personal needs, age, and social environment are the most defining factors in this issue, she added.

The older a person is, the fewer times they have sex.

Young women in their 20s do it 10-12 times a month. However, that number decreases to 5-6 in their 30s and to 1-2 in their 40s. The rate of those who do not have sex at all is 16 pc in the first, 20 pc in the second, and 24 pc in the third age group.

However, quality sex is more frequent in the older age groups. Thus, fewer occasions might give a higher level of satisfaction for women, according to the sexual psychologist.

Married couples have sex fewer times than non-married couples. In the case of the latter group, 10-12 times per month is the average, while that decreases to 1-4 in the former group.

Interestingly, 31 pc of women answered that they have already spent more than a year without having sex. 18 pc went without it for weeks or months, and only 11 pc said they had no shorter period without sex than days.

The last time a similar survey was done in Hungary was in 2017 when 15,700 people filled it out, reported.



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