Would Romania be more developed than Hungary?

The press sometimes amplifies the news that the Romanian economy has overtaken the Hungarian economy, and that wages in Romania are even higher. Our article looks at the economic situation in the two countries.
Hungarian-Romanian comparison
According to the Eurostat survey, the average wage of full-time employees in Hungary is the second to last. In Romania, wages are already higher.
Hungary’s real GDP grew by 30.8 percent between 2010 and 2021, compared with 32.2 percent in Romania, vg.hu reports.
In terms of wages, Hungarian wages are still the highest. Both countries have caught up. Wages have doubled in Hungary and tripled in Romania in ten years.
But what is more important is that average wages in Hungary are still higher, with an average gross wage of HUF 438,000 (EUR 1097) last year, while in Romania it was HUF 398,000 (EUR 997) at the rate of 72 RON/HUF.
Many people forget about Romania’s public debt. In Romania it has not fallen, while in Hungary it has fallen by 15 percentage points.
Source: vg.hu