Opposition Jobbik has other ideas than bringing guest workers to Hungary

Opposition Jobbik is calling for free retraining opportunities for Hungarian labourers instead of “organised imports of guest workers”, deputy leader Dániel Z Kárpát said on Friday.

The costs of training could be financed from an “inflation premium” of several hundreds of billions of forints “collected by the government after the brutally high prices paid by Hungarian families”, Kárpát said.

He also called for finding out the reasons why a portion of the population was inactive. If normal wages and fair working conditions were offered, some of them could also be involved in employment, he added.

The companies importing guest workers should instead focus on finding ways to motivate the economically inactive to enter the labour market, he said.

He said an earlier Jobbik proposal to offer non-refundable support to companies that employ at least 90 percent of workers from Hungary or the European Economic Area could improve the situation.

When in Hungary, Hungarian workers and Hungarian small businesses should come first, he said.

One comment

  1. What “skills” do these guest workers possess that Hungarians need to be trained to do? If its skills needed for administration or professions, why worry, Hungary has loads of teachers that are being starved working for the state and being forced by inflation to find other employment.

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