PM Orbán: there are not enough white, Christian people in Europe!

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán visited Hódmezővásárhely, in southern Hungary, on the campaign trail on Saturday, where he met the ruling Fidesz party’s mayoral candidate in the company of János Lázár, the minister of construction and transport, the PM’s press chief said.

Speaking to local voters, Orbán said Brussels “is dumping bag-loads of money into the war; money that it is taking out of people’s and businesses’ pockets”. “That’s why the European economy is stagnant,” Orbán said. “Peace is needed because peace saves lives and restarts the economy.”

According to, PM Orbán said Hódmezővásárhely gave lots of blood in WWI and WWII. He said there were not enough white and Christian people in Europe because of the world wars. Orbán added that is why Europe needed migrants because they lack the kids and grandkids of those generations. He mentioned the other crucial pillar of his party’s campaign, the gender issue. He said he heard about schools which hold “reverse days” where girls must dress as boys and vice versa. “Madness!“, commented one of his supporters.

Orbán: Decision between war and peace the top campaign issue

The number one issue in the election campaign is the decision between war and peace, and nothing has a better chance of building peace than sports, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said at the inauguration of a new sports hall in Mezohegyes, in southeast Hungary, on Saturday.

Orbán said the government’s aim was to build the best quality facilities, adding that “if something is Hungarian, that should mean that it’s the best”. He said the new sports hall was an example of this approach.

He underlined the need for children to participate in sports, be in communities and learn to fulfil their obligations along with the importance of work and humility. “So this isn’t just a sports hall, but the biggest help parents can receive,” the prime minister said.

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  1. My observation, of the Hungarian Prime Minister – Victor Orban, in “photo shots” is that HE never appears to have in his SURROUNDS, which he has plenty to “bodily” in size to offer, draw younger followers.
    Orbans “draw” crowd, appears muchly of the “old guard” – those through there DNA still “in-grained” or moulded through past decades pre 1989 – of the DARKENED times of Hungarian History.
    Orban, from his 14 years in POWER, that has DELIVERED to us a country in a Shambolic MESS – through Economic & Financial wrongful – or FAILED policies, not helped by his “incompetent Minister of Finance – Mihaly Varga, you understand the reason(s) why, he is NOT surrounded by the Youth – the YOUNG of Hungarians, as to there FUTURE(s) careers, family life, opportunities have been RUINED destroyed by this current Prime Minister.
    Orban, his DISTILLATION of Democracy, removing the Freedom and Liberty – the choice that through DEMOCRACY offers, sending Hungary into turmoil and destruction, having NO money as a Fidesz Government, to INVEST for the benefit of the youth, the young of Hungary, it’s ALL a horrendous BLEAK picture of the FUTURE, under the Orban – Fidesz Government we FACE.
    It will WORSEN.

  2. And who saye that Europe must be white and Christian? This man is sick in his brain, pathologically racist. And he himself is not that white and certainly not a Christian either. Christ spoke to all mankind regardless of religion and skin.

  3. Again not a word about the Russian madness of starting the war and prolonging it and attacking civilians, killing children etc. etc. No, its all Brussel´s fault according to Fidesz and Orban. How can people actually go along with that nonsense?
    And there are many other ways than just sports to build peace among nations and for children to learn and develop themselves – arts, music and culture sharing are just as important. They build creativity and intelligence in children. But I guess old Christian conservative men are afraid of intelligent people so they solely focus on sport. Yes, sport facilities are important, but not the only thing and not the “biggest help parents can have”.

  4. Well, Norbert, I suppose you could call me a “religious man”, but I agree with you (the non-religious and I assume non-Christian man). I also agree with another non-religious man who said to himself in his memoirs, “Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.” …….Marcus Aurelius, who didn’t particularly like religious people.

  5. As a result, Orbán brings the Christian hating atheists from China to fill in the gap. I guess Fidesz feels comfortable with their communist comrades.

  6. I was under the impression that Hungary invests a huge amount in arts, music, cultural events. When I was there teaching high shcool I was tottaly amazed at the youth’s competence in music of various types. My 2 daughters were blown away by how the very young at Iskola 45 could dance, recite poetry and verse, publicly speak without mumbling or acting like the audience was to the left then to the right of them or behind them, like a spinning top. Nor did any child ruine it for the others by misbehaving which I always saw here in Canada the last 20 years. When a kids’ grandparents can’t tolerate them, society expects teachers to? Sport, like the military teaches, listening, patience, planning, group work, team building, that the whole is greater than the sum of the individuals. Even when some shine above others. And helps to prevent vandalism, obesity, body shame all components of idelness. So I’d say it was helpful to parents to have their kids not be misfits, dumbasses, youth murderers.

  7. Zoli is on spot. As usuall, the nonsense if this minister is so terrifying. Why is this guy leading a country when he is just saying nonsense?

  8. I read on, and I make commentary contributions through this platform of DNH.
    It JUST continues to DEEPEN in me, the BELIEF, that the bloke by the name of Victor Mihaly. Orban – is SINKING Hungary.
    Repulsive and APPALLING but are Hungarians seeing THAT ?

  9. old Christian conservatives man afraid intelligent people?
    That is your inaccurate Judge politican hungary

    I ws checked, that your comment are so funny
    send harder for your shit

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