Hungary’s access to EU funds tied to joining European Public Prosecutor’s Office, says MEP

“Hungary will have access to EU funds if it joins the European Public Prosecutor’s Office,” Csaba Molnár, an MEP of the opposition Democratic Coalition (DK) said on Wednesday.

He said that an amendment he had submitted to the European Parliament Committee on Budgets set a European Public Prosecutor’s Office membership as a criterion for a member state to receive EU funds, Molnár said on Facebook. The committee approved the amendment proposal with a large majority on Tuesday, the MEP said.

“We can see what is happening in a country if the Prosecutors’ Office does not have the possibility to work there; the money will get stolen, instead of getting to the people, small businesses and local governments. And this is what’s been happening under the current regime in Hungary for a long time. And it is because domestic prosecution hushes up crime instead of fighting it,” Molnár said and urged joining the European Public Prosecutor’s Office as soon as possible.

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