Brussels will be outraged: Orbán disclosed Hungary’s vote about the Ukraine aid

Hungary will not endorse the policy of European Union member states raising joint loans to aid Ukraine, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told a meeting of the Hungarian Permanent Conference (MÁÉRT) on Friday.Instead, EU member states should work out how much money is needed for Ukraine to run its state and distribute the costs proportionately and fairly, Orbán said. Accordingly, Hungary would provide 60-70 billion forints (EUR 146-170m) annually from the national budget as part of a bilateral agreement concluded with Ukraine, he added. The prime minister declared that Hungary condemns Russian aggression and is committed to helping the Ukrainian people, but it is not willing to put Ukraine’s interests before its own.

The sums involved would not harm basic Hungarian national interests even if this amount would be missing from the Hungarian budget, he added.

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Number of Hungary’s friends, allies has grown

Hungary now has more friends and allies than ever before, he added. The kind of government in potential partner countries determines the opportunities for cooperation with Hungary’s Christian nationalist government, Orbán said. Hungary, its government, and Hungarians living across the borders “always have it easier when similar governments based on nationalist Christian foundations are in the majority, or at least present in Europe,” he said. The latest political developments have made that easier, he said.

Orbán added, however that “the plan … to organise central Europe to enable it to represent a significant force in Europe, rather than being defined by their relations to larger states, now has less of a chance of becoming reality.”

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Source: MTI

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