Central Europe’s biggest aquarium to be covered with Teflon
According to the plans, the closed ecological system will be 36 metres high, exceeding the height of Nagyszikla, reports hvg.hu. Its roof will not be covered with glass, but Teflon folia of two layers, which is the best for insulation and soundproofing. Miklós Persányi gave an interview to Liget Budapest blog.
The ground space of the zoo grew from 111,000 square metres to 190,300 square metres in the last couple of years, since they received the late Fun Fair’s area and one of the buildings of the toxicology institute. Varannó utca also became part of the zoo.
The buildings in bad conditions were demolished and in 2014 Holnemvolt Park was created, but it was there only temporarily. The construction has started in the area where Pannon Park is to be established,
with the biggest attraction, the biodome.
According to the plans, the park will be reopened in the spring, under the name of Holnemvolt Castle. Its target audience will be children between 2-8 years and their families. It will not include the Rollercoaster because it will be part of the Pannon Park. In the Castle, there will be the Hétpróba Palota (Heptathlon Palace), which will be surrounded by the Macskaköves (Cobblestone) Garden with manufacturers and stables. The Europa Nostra prize-winner old Schäfter’s merry-go-round will be here, too.
The first biodome was created in Montreál after the Olympics, in an abandoned sports hall. The first one in Europe was established in 1988 in Arnhem, Netherlands, in a private garden.
The shape of the construction in Budapest reminds Miklós Persányi of a coral reef, and it was the decision of the architect agency picked in the open contest. Concerning the height of the building their only request was that trees would fit in there, so there would be no need of cutting them out year to year like the old Palm House’s trees.
The biodome of 1.5 hectares ground space and 36 metres of height will be bigger than the Nagyszikla, the highest peak of which is 34 metres.
The estimated aggregate amount of the project grew from 20.8 billion HUF to 32.7 billion HUF, but this is only the price of the building, the expenses of plants and animals are not included. The prior calculation referred to the rates from 4 years before, the construction charges and the material costs have raised ever since, Persányi explained.
All in all, the costs will be 43.7 billion HUF, including plants, park construction, utilities, animals, facilities and installation.
It includes the reconstruction of the rollercoaster, too. It will use 1.6 hectares from the 19-hectare ground space of the zoo.
On the top of the biodome, there will be a foil of Teflon, more precisely, the two-layered foil will be put on a steel grating construction. This air pillow is the best for insulation and soundproofing, while it lets light through.
Among the animals, there will be 7-8 elephants there. Even more pools will be placed in the biodome’s area, the big sea pool will be of 1.7 million litres. The exhibition will portray the life of about ten million years ago when the region around Budapest was a seacoast, the Pest lowland was covered with water, and the Buda hills and Börzsöny emerged as islands from it. There will be sharks in the biodome as well, though their number has not been decided yet, as the interview reveals.
Featured Image: www.zoobudapest.com/rolunk/fejlesztesek/pannon-park-es-mesepark
Source: hvg.hu
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