

Orbán government won’t allow migrant camps in Hungary

No to migrant camps: "Migrants will be transported to Brussels rather than hosted in Hungary"

Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts receives high Hungarian state award

Kevin Roberts, the president of the Heritage Foundation, was decorated with a high Hungarian state award, details HERE:

President of Kazakh parliament visits Hungary

Kazakh House Speaker Yerlan Koshanov visits Hungary:

Hungary strengthens ties with Equatorial Guinea during first-ever ministerial visit

Hungary's Foreign Minister has never been to Equatorial Guinea before, cooperation agreements have been signed and the next meeting will take place in Budapest:

Tineke Strik in Budapest: EU aims to protect the Hungarians from concentration of power and corruption

Strik criticised the misuse of EU funds, which she argues are benefiting corrupt politicians and oligarchs rather than citizens. #EU #funds #Article7 #transparency #Poland #EuropeanCommission

Orbán: Italians and Hungarians are freedom fighters who will never give up their countries to foreigners

"We will never surrender, we will never give up our freedom, and we will never hand over our country to foreigners. We will not hand it over either to Brussels bureaucrats, or to global financial powers or migrants," Orbán said. #Orbán #Italy

Orbán proud of ‘fighting’ international left for 14 years

Strong statements from Viktor Orbán. #Orbán #Italy

Historian: The Hungarian people won’t learn Chinese, just like they didn’t learn Russian – Hungary belongs to Europe

Even if Hungary were to leave the EU or NATO, the Hungarian people's European identity would remain intact, according to historian Ignác Romsics. #Hungarians #Russia #China #Europe

FM Szijjártó: We have again completed a successful evacuation operation

Hungary has successfully concluded an evacuation operation with the help of its Slovak friends, the foreign minister said. #Lebanon #Slovakia #evacuation

National day of mourning: Hungary honors the martyrs of Arad – national flag at half-mast

Today marks the anniversary of the execution of the 13 martyrs of Arad and the death of Hungary’s first responsible Prime Minister Lajos Batthyány. #martyr #Arad #nationalday

PHOTOS: Orbán’s challenger Magyar holds demonstration, calls for boycott of ‘propaganda media’s products’

Although Magyar entered the building of the public media headquarters, he was not given the opportunity to read out the party's demands. As he was told, he had "no right to be there". #PéterMagyar #TiszaParty #demonstration #Budapest

Orbán cabinet: Hungary should be bridge between West and the East in automotive industry

Will there be bridge countries in the new world order between the West and the East or choosing a block is inevitable? #orbancabinet #eastandwest #hungarianeconomy #automotiveindustry

Alternative energy company inaugurates battery storage facility in W Hungary

The facility mitigates the variability of weather-dependent renewables. #batterystorage #battery #gyor

Canada taking interest in Hungary’s aid policies benefiting persecuted Christians

Official briefed politicians, church leaders of Canada about the protection of persecuted Christians. #hungariangovernment #canada #persecutedchristians

PM Orbán leaves Hungary this weekend to meet important friend

PM Orbán has decided to leave Hungary this weekend to meet an important friend of his and demonstrate his support towards him in hard times. #viktororban #travel #visit #italy #salvini

PM Orbán’s new MEP Dömötör slams opposition leader Péter Magyar’s party

Initial experiences indicate that the new MEPs of the opposition Tisza Party "are carrying on where Momentum left off", Csaba Dömötör said. #csabadomotor #hungariangovernment #government #tiszaparty

Budapest City Council undecided in multiple issues on 1st meeting

The first meeting of the Budapest Assembly did not elect deputy mayors as Mayor Gergely Karácsony did not nominate candidates. #budapest #citycouncil #gergelykaracsony

Hungary wants to speed up the EU accession of the Western Balkans, says FM Szijjártó in Bosnia

The Orbán cabinet is working at full force to speed up the European Union accession of countries in the Western Balkans region, Szijjártó said. #westernbalkans #euaccession #europeanunion

Surprising? Slovak plane evacuates Hungarians from Lebanon, says FM Szijjártó

More Hungarians will be evacuated from Lebanon with a Slovak plane, in line with an agreement between the two countries, FM Szijjártó said. #middleeast #lebanon #israel #iran #slovakia

Budapest’s city assembly started work today but finding a majority will be difficult

Budapest's new city assembly started work today with lots of disputes. Finding a majority for Mayor Gergely Karácsony will be difficult. #budapest #cityassembly #tisza #fidesz #gergelykaracsony