Coronavirus – Thirteen new infections, no deaths in Hungary

Thirteen coronavirus infections have been registered in Hungary over the past 24 hours, bringing the total number to 4,247, said on Monday morning.

The number of deaths was unchanged at 595, while 3,073 people have made a recovery. The number of active infections stands at 579.

Fully 127 coronavirus patients are in hospital, five on ventilators.

Budapest is the location of 38 percent of active infections, 60 percent of fatalities and 46 percent of recoveries.

Currently 2,453 people are under official house quarantine

and 295,561 tests have been carried out.

The threat of an epidemic is still present, so epidemiological preparedness and basic protection measures are still needed, the website said. Wearing a face mask is still compulsory in shops and on public transport. As the number of infections is on the rise in neighbouring countries, the government has decided to tighten border regulations, the portal said.

Budapest has the most infections (1,993), followed by and Pest County (634)

and the counties of Fejér (379), Komárom-Esztergom (308) and Zala (262). Tolna county has the fewest (13).

Latest count of confirmed COVID-19 cases worldwide

The following are the latest updates on the COVID-19 global confirmed cases in hardest-hit countries by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University at 0500 GMT, July 13.

Country Confirmed Cases

World 12,910,357

U.S. 3,304,942
Brazil 1,864,681
India 878,254
Russia 726,036
Peru 326,326
Chile 315,041
Mexico 299,750
Britain 291,154
South Africa 276,242
China 85,568

Source: MTI/Xinhua

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