Hungarian winners in pole sport at the World Championship Air Power Athletics

Despite illness and a broken toe, the Hungarian athletes won two gold medals in pole sports at the 2016 World Championship Air Power Athletics in Riga, Latvia on November 27 and 28. Competing among 100 contestants from 16 countries, Noémi Marosvölgyi won the gold in the singles, as well as in the doubles with Katalin Engel, reports.

The Hungarian athletes had an eventful journey to Latvia: their flight was delayed, and it looked like they were going to miss their connecting flight to Warsaw, but in the very last minute, they were put on a direct flight to Riga.

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Their training for the championship went well, and they won both the singles and the doubles confidently, despite the fact that Katalin Engel suffered a fraction in his toe two weeks ago and Noémi Marosvölgyi got sick before the competition. The World Championship was the pair’s first competition together, and following the great success, they plan to continue working together.

engel katalin marosvölgyi noémi pole sport

Pole dancing, historically associated with night clubs, has become popular as a form of acrobatic fitness workout, and it requires significant strength and flexibility. The climbs, spins, and body inversions are similar to the moves of gymnastics and scoring is based on both the artistic and the athletic qualities of the performance.


Copy editor: bm


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