Pictures that highlight why you need to visit Hungary – Castles

Hungary has many beautiful castles and fortresses, though some of them are only represented by their ruins. Nevertheless, they are all popular tourist spots. Check out beautiful shots of some of them, and make sure you visit them yourself.

Boldogkő Castle, Boldogkőváralja

Bory Castle, Székesfehérvár

Buda Castle, Budapest

Brunszvik Castle, Martonvásár

Budapest, Buda Castle, Hungary
Read alsoPictures that highlight why you need to visit Hungary – Castles

Hollókő Castle, Hollókő

Thury Castle, Várpalota

Vajdahunyad Castle, Budapest

Visegrád Castle, Visegrád

Wenckheim Castle, Szabadkígyós

wenckheim castle szabadkígyós

Sümeg Castle, Sümeg

Source: Daily News Hungary


  1. Beautiful castles, I can’t wait t visit Hungary. I was born there, but my parents moved to America when I was young

  2. My husband to be originate from Budapest and I cannot wait for the Australian borders to be relaxed to visit such beautiful and historical places of interest

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