Cult of personality? Orbán’s ‘orders’ on the wall of a Hungarian school
As we wrote, a futuristic school was inaugurated this Thursday in Csepel, Budapest’s 21st district. The investment was one of the biggest education-infrastructure projects, burning HUF 22.5 billion (EUR 58 million). The results is one of the most modern school buildings in Central Europe. Later, the Hungarian press wrote Orbán’s orders were painted on the central wall of the school. Opposition parties are outraged, while the deputy mayor of the 21st district believes if the words of famous Hungarian historical figures can be placed in the school, Orbán’s can be as well.
PM Viktor Orbán wrote seven rules he considered crucial to preserve Hungary’s identity on a mirror. Before, he mentioned these ‘laws’ of national survival in a 2020 speech. These are:
- A homeland only exists as long as there is someone who loves it.
- Every Hungarian child is a new sentinel.
- Truth means little without strength.
- Only that which we can defend is truly ours.
- Matches are only over when we have won.
- Only countries have borders, nations do not.
- No Hungarian is alone.
The director did not know about Orbán’s ‘orders’
Now these sentences decorate the wall of the renewed Jedlik Ányos Secondary School in Csepel, Budapest. Opposition parties are outraged. The Democratic Coalition, former PM Ferenc Gyurcsány’s party, organised a demonstration yesterday at the school, during which they placed a warning paper on the school fence saying there is government propaganda in the institution. Here is their video:
According to RTL Klub, the Hungarian Commissioner for Education Rights began an inquiry. Lajos Aáry-Tamás said he would report about the results. The government said they did not decide about the interior or exterior decoration of the schools. Benő Bese, the director of Jedlik, said he did not know about the inscription and added that placing such quotations in schools could raise concerns.
Read also:
- Check out the photos made of Hungary’s most modern school, Ányos Jedlik Secondary Grammar School HERE
- Teacher shortage in Hungary critical: tens of thousands are missing
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Indoctrinatiom of the Orbanjugend begins.
Just like Germany 1933. Since we all know how such experiments typically end, Hungarians should be very concerned. Evidently History did not teach them anything.
The BLESSED words of Wisdom, given to all Hungarians – by Saint Pope John Paul 11 in his homily, presented to Hungary, at his Pontificate Mass held in Hero’s Square in August 1991 – these words – by Saint Pope John Paul 11 – this ADVISE – which we are Not Living in Hungary, through the Orban ways of Government, these WORDS should be on the WALLS of this school.
“Be mindful of the Blessing that Freedom, which you have Definitively secured means for your
Cherish it, and make good use of your Liberty.”
These words are etched in stone for ALL to read not just Hungarians, in Hero’s Square.
Orban was present in the front row of this Pontifical Mass remembering from the same square in 1989 taking to the stage and the microphone – DECLARING Advocating the NEED of Hungary, after decades under Russian control – to embrace support DEMOCRACY.
History never Lies, but in the case of Victor Orban – he has totally reversed his Political Ideas & Philosophy – “mouthed” out to all of Hungary in 1989 and not listened to the Words of Wisdom, he sat and heard – delivered to him and all of Hungary – from Saint Pope John Paul 11 in Hero’s Square in 1991.
These are not orders but quotes.
Order is an “authoritative instruction/request to act” (definition). These quotes don’t fit the definition of “order”.
If Orbán publicly said: “Be Happy.” That would also be a forbidden message also?
Because it sure is just as harmless as “No Hungarian is alone.”.