Diplomatic conflict between the USA and Hungary worsened: Orbán helps Putin redraw Europe’s map?

The ambassador of the USA in Budapest, David Pressman, suggested in a yesterday evening tweet that the Hungarian government helps Russia redraw Europe’s borders.
Szijjártó-Pressman duel
The diplomatic conflict between Hungary and the USA over the ongoing war in Ukraine and Kyiv’s Western military and financial help is worsening. Péter Szijjártó, the foreign minister of Hungary, said yesterday that nobody could tell Hungary from the outside how Hungarians should live. He added that it was “of no interest” what Pressman or any ambassador thought about domestic political trends in Hungary. The remark came after Pressman’s comments to Politico: “political leaders in the government of Hungary often speak of promoting peace, but – from condemning sanctions to embracing Russian ‘cease-fire’ proposals – they continue to push policies endorsed by Putin.”
Pressman answered Szijjártó’s response yesterday in a post published on his official Twitter account. “Respectfully, we do not consider Russia’s attempt to unilaterally redraw the borders of Europe as just a “domestic political development in Hungary”, he tweeted. By writing that, he probably meant that from the outside, it seems that Orbán helps Putin realise its aims in Europe concerning a map redrawal.
Respectfully, we do not consider Russia’s attempt to unilaterally redraw the borders of Europe as just a “domestic political development in Hungary.” pic.twitter.com/UWCtFhc4Dl
— Ambassador David Pressman (@USAmbHungary) February 2, 2023
The tweet might also suggest the USA believes the Russian president would not stop at the borders of Ukraine. Yesterday the foreign minister of the Republic of Moldova, a country located between Romania and Ukraine, having a Russian minority and a separatist state filled with Russian troops, expressed concerns over a possible Russian attack since Russian FM Lavrov labelled it as the new “anti-Russia”, Meduza wrote.
Szijjártó and Pressman in Japan:
No sign of a possible conflict before
Interestingly, as the US Embassy in Hungary wrote, the foreign minister and the ambassador met for a working lunch last Friday. They discussed a wide range of bilateral and regional priorities, including energy diversification, Russia’s war in Ukraine, and the US-Hungary partnership as NATO Allies.
“In this important moment in U.S.-Hungary relations, it was great to meet with Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó to continue our discussion about the challenges our countries should confront together and opportunities to strengthen our partnership”, Mr Pressman said then. There was no sign of a possible conflict, the Politico article appeared after their meeting. That was the situation when they met last September in Japan. Szijjártó said their joint aim was to develop US-Hungary ties.
Source: Politico, Meduza, hu.usembassy.com
Does anyone remember the twice elected president of Ukraine who was violently ousted all while yelling about corruption. Let’s see if you can figure out who was behind it, including big money behind it.
Major corruption from the US was big part of it along with your man Soros. Interesting the corruption got much worse bringing in really big players. The swamp and the MSM- and social media or you were blocked, insisted trump was working for Putin and it has never stopped. The same fun people would like nothing more than destroy Hungarian goverment. Hard to believe little hungary has has some success in keeping Soros at bay when he has such great success destroying justice in the US.
There was no “big money” that ousted the pro-Russia president. It was the people of Ukraine that wanted a change and a better future. The same people that are now fighting for their democratic independence against the tyranny of Russia.
One way ticket this American – Hungarian “Stoush.”
There can be just one WINNER and it ain’t going to be Victor Orban/Hungary.
Stay tuned – plenty to play out in this – another RELATIONSHIP ruined – DESTROYED by Victor Orban, that millions of innocent Hungarians will see there lives – thee quality of life – DECIMATED.
America – is TIGHTENING the screws on Victor Orban/Hungary.
America know Orban/Hungary – is on its KNEES and that as long as the name Orban remains as Hungarys “Embattled” Prime Ministers – the POWER of vast arrays types to further inflict HUMILIATION on Orban – will continue from America – RIGHTFULLY – and intensify.
No foreign Ambassador has the right to interfere in Hungary’s internal policies. The American people have the right to supply weapons to Ukraine and pay for it. It is not unusual for the Biden Administration to provide foreign countries with weapons, e.g. Afghanistan.
Look at the Treaties that the US broke. The 2014 coup that toppled the Ukraine government was orchestrated in the USA State Department. State Department senior staff was happy to go on USA tv extolling how happy they were to make this happen. The current war fiasco had same roots. The “Big Guy” behind it has kept the current non-democratic Mofia in place so their kids and the Democratic Party can money launder millions. What a tremendous scam which is costing lives in Ukraine and so much hardship around the world. We hope the Big Guy finds hell very hot!
Again, mariavontheresa spouts off about interference in Hungarian’s internal policies while the government of Hungary constantly is beating the drum against Ukraine for providing the Hungarian despora with a home country. It does the same with Slovakia and Romania. Victor wants to be the leader of the Hungarians that have lived abroad for generations. Is not that interfering in the internal politics of a country? Also remember that Victor flew to Texas on our tax money to campaign, in person, against the government of the United States. Is not that interference, dear mariavontheresa? Your igorance and hypocracy is on display bigly.