Ed West in Budapest: most Brits sympathise with the Hungarian government

According to Ed West, author, journalist, blogger, deputy editor of UnHerd, and former columnist for The Daily Telegraph and The Spectator, the boundaries between opinions and news content are increasingly blurred in the media.
British journalist Ed West arrived in Hungary for the Mathias Corvinus Collegium Conference on the Freedom of Expression in the Digital Age. During the two-day event, many internationally renowned journalists have shared their thoughts on current topics, such as the role of social media in the press and the challenges of journalism in the digital age.
“Commenting is free, but facts are sacred”
According to Ed West, the achievements of the digital age have a significant impact on journalism. Nowadays, there is a big competition in sharing new information. Everyone wants to be the fastest, and the quality of the news shared on social media is not controlled. The boundaries between opinions and news content are blurred in the media, and journalism has become emotionally loaded. Emotions generate more significant feedback. Serious publications are constantly disappearing, so journalists have to adapt and change their tone.
Hungarian politics
Ed West explained to Index that it is difficult to obtain objective information about the political situation in Hungary. The British media has generally labelled Orbán as a dictator; therefore, the opposition must be helped to win and restore democracy.
“Viktor Orbán cannot be a good dictator if the opposition has a chance to win next year’s election,” adds the journalist.
Perhaps Tibor Fischer is the only one who writes positively about Hungary in his articles in The Daily Telegraph, but other British newspapers lack a nuanced approach and do not assess Viktor Orbán’s policies in detail.
Nonetheless, the journalist believes that the majority of British people sympathise with the Hungarian government’s migration policy, for example.
“I am sure that many people are antipathetic towards the West forcing its opinion on Hungarians and Polish people. Many people believe that it is right for a country to adhere to its opinion.”
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Unlike the British conservatives, who are trying to slow progress but have accepted that change is inevitable, Viktor Orbán is not afraid to take the necessary steps to win, even if these steps sometimes appear tasteless, explains Ed West. As a Western Conservative, he believes that Hungary and Poland should be allowed to follow an alternative path so that we can see whether this path leads to success or not.
“If Hungary does not become a dictatorship in 10 years – as the Western media implies – and will be a successful country where there is no significant immigration, people are satisfied with their lives, and homosexual teenagers do not commit mass suicide, I think everything is fine.”
Source: index.hu, mcc.hu
Great article.
Ed West calls it like it is. Not like the fake-news far-left, globalist media.
Any Brit with a brain knows what has happened to the UK. 40 years of Muslim grooming gangs of young girls and rarely talked about. If you do you will be silenced.
Tommy Robinson dare I speak his name- is a great example. Big media – big tech and the government are working together along with finacial institutions. Any dictator could only dream of that kind of power. The NYT is being sued for defamation of by a small media company. The times in conjunction with the DOJ and FBI had his home along with two of their reporters raided complete with handcuffs and confiscation of equipment and cellphones on two different days and hour later the NYT was calling asking for a response on a so called secret investigation.
Silence from left wing media!!! Tell us again about Orban being a dictator , that has been repeated endlessly by the left MSM
MSNBC and CNN are the wort far-left, globalist, fake-news TV channels.
The ongoing presence of this novel coronavirus – the effects on Immigration in vast numbers of countries is causing a MASSIVE re-think on there Immigration Policies.
In number there is a clear indication to them – there bottom lines – that Immigration does have a “bleeding” effect on economies, taking excessive time, not helped in curent situation and challenges time – going forward – the noval coronavirus presence – which is not near the end of its catacylsmic travel throughout the World – it’ effects on Humanity and Economies, that have continued – that globally have been witnessed,
Australia is an example that near on (2) two years – NIL – Immigration has been undertaken, but as a country – they have “held” up and survived, and economic indicators continue to highlight they are performing satisfactorily – in the times that we live.
Australia for near on a decade – it’s work force has not received pay / salary increases – and the “constructive” and “robust” discussions growing in Australia is to the question :
“Does immigration – the LOW income immigrants are prepared to work for – does this effect the pay & salary incomes of Australian workers.”
My opinion is – YES.
What in time Australia adopts as an Immigration/Migration leval of intake – will be INTERESTED.
Across the board, we are seeing Globally, that nothing is getting cheaper – and that inflation has raised it’s biting and nasty head.
The Daily Telegraph – British daily printed broadsheet newspaper published in London – article dated 6th October 2021 – could be “THought Changer” that other Governments like Australia need to SERIOUSLY consider and adapt.
Article was titled – “Johnson to reject return to ‘uncontrolled’ immigration.”
THe British Prime Minister – trying to sell a new economic vision.
Boris Johnson – remember – how right of right in Politics is he – his Government his Party – the traditions of his side of Politics especially Immigration/Migration into Britain – over DECADES – pleged to make Britain a “high wage” economy.
Johnson stated – “predecessors” lacked the “guts” – to tackle this problem.
Johnsons – side of Politics – would win hands down – the clear catalysts in the “shambles” that has been the case in Britain over decades of it’s Immigration/Migration Policy.
Johnson – speculation that a minimum wage increase was to be introduced in October/November – the Prime Minister of Britain then went onto say :
“That I will reject – using – “uncontolled immigration” – to FILL labour shortages and keep WAGES down.”
In his speech – closing the Conservative Party conference in Manchester – argued that his “levelling up” agenda – benefits EVERYONE.
If Johnson has the “intestinal fortitude” to carry through what this article is saying – it will ROCK the Conservative Voters and Party of Britain.
Johnson – hopefully he and the Conservative Party in Britain – like Australia there Liberal Party who are in Government – extending Globally to Governments who “creed” the Ideas and Philosophy of Conservatism/Liberalism in there “Dogma” – they will re-visit there Immigration/Migration Policy.
“Uncontrolled Immigration to FILL labour shortages and keep Wages down ” – needs to be built on to LEVAL it out for ALL.
Hungary – under Prime Minister – the “Strong Man of European Politics” – Victor Orban – understood the up’s and the MASS downside of uncontrolled immigration.
Hungary – we must continue to SUPPORT – our Government on the Immigration matter for they are RIGHT and without the leadership – the Policies – we have in place – driven by Victor Orban – and the Fidesz Party – it “scares” me, what Hungary would be like at this time in our History – if we had – Uncontrolled Immigration.