EU provides EUR 193 m for reconstruction of South-Balaton railway line

The European Commission on Friday said it will invest 193 million euros from the Cohesion Fund in the reconstruction and modernisation of the 123 kilometre railway line between Székesfehérvár and Keszthely around Lake Balaton in western Hungary.

Corina Cretu, the EU commissioner for regional policies, said the modernisation of the entire line from Budapest to Keszthely will take place in two stages. As part of the project, 38 road and 124 pedestrian crossings will be modernised, while 13 new pedestrian crossings will be installed. The project is planned to be completed by April 2019.

“By enhancing transport infrastructure, this project will offer better services for thousands of travellers using the railway line every day. This will bring many advantages for the economy and tourism in the Balaton region,” the commissioner said.

The first stage of the reconstruction of the Budapest-Keszthely railway line, the 53km section between Szántód-Kőröshegy and Balatonszentgyörgy, has already been completed and was opened to traffic on June 14.

[button link=”” type=”big” color=”teal” newwindow=”yes”] HORRIBLE STATISTICS: 87 ATTACKS AGAINST ON-BOARD CONDUCTORS LAST YEAR IN HUNGARY[/button]

As we wrote on June, the Hungarian government will spend 4,000 billion forints (EUR 12.5bn) on developing public roads and railways by 2022 in order to strengthen Hungary’s position in logistics, read more HERE.

Photo: MTI

Source: MTI

One comment

  1. Budapest airport too small to accommodate number of passengers arriving and attempting to board aircraft.
    Boarding areas too small promoting overspill into other zones.
    Cafe at departures too small too serve arriving passengers, together with too few staff serving
    Lack of seating for arrivals with passengers sleeping on floor.
    Departures lounge and restaurants too full again too small to accommodate diners with huge queues building up waiting to be served
    and on eventual collection of food to find all chairs gone. In sufficient boarding time to eat before departure
    Whole “Experience” un acceptable and ghastly on a hot day, not representative for a major tourist hub

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