Exclusive interview with Dr. Zsigmond Nagy, international director of the Hungarian Olympic Committee
Most of us have heard about Hungary’s bid for the Summer Olympic Games in 2024, but what is it that could make us successful? How would Budapest look like? Can we exceed London’s success in Rio? How is the preparation for Rio going? These are some of the questions we discussed with Dr. Zsigmond Nagy, the international director of the Hungarian Olympic Committee.
DailyNewsHungary: How did your life lead you to becoming the international director of the Hungarian Olympic Committee?
ZN: This was a long way. I was asked to be part of the organizing committee of the European Athletics Championships held in Budapest in 1998 by Ágoston Schulek, President of the Hungarian Athletic Association. Shortly after, I was offered an excellent opportunity by Pal Schmitt, former President of the Hungarian Olympic Committee, to join the National Olympic Committee of Hungary. That is when my journey started. First I worked as the international secretary and then became the international and judicial director.
DailyNewsHungary: Most of us probably have an idea of what is the role of the president and the general secretary. What is your role?
ZN: The Hungarian Olympic Committee is the only statutory public body in sports according to the Hungarian law. We attend to the tasks taken over from the state. Our number-one task is direction and leadership. This is a dual status which means that by the international claim, we represent Hungary as the National Olympic Committee. In this sense our task is to prepare and enter the Hungarian Olympic Teams for the Olympic Games.
DailyNewsHungary: In the last couple of months one of the main focuses of the news was Hungary’s bid for the Summer Olympics in 2024. Budapest has bid for the Olympics five times before. What is it that could make us successful this time?
ZN: We have a lot to offer to the Olympic family and the members of the International Olympic Committee. We rightfully think that Budapest is a fantastic city. Tourism data justifies this. The other thing is that Hungarian sport has a strong tradition which predestines us to finally host the Olympics. Hungary is the only one of the 10 most successful medal-winning countries at the Summer Olympics (more exactly the 8th most successful country) never to have hosted the event. Just look at the other candidates: this would be the 3rd Olympics for Los Angeles, Rome and Paris; and Germany has also hosted several Summer and Winter Olympics. Also, we offer national Olympic Games oppositely to the other’s one city-conception. We would have events in different cities. This is especially exciting because we have the support of a whole nation.
DailyNewsHungary: Thomas Bach, the president of the International Olympic Committee emphasized that the main aspect of the decision will be which country wants the Olympics the most. How will they estimate this?
ZN: The candidature process has changed. It previously had two stages but now contains three. What had been a rival candidature process is now a consultation one. The IOC gives all the proficiency that the candidates need. This is in process now; we have to hand in our first file, in which we frame our vision, until the 7th of February, 2016. A good bid is one that serves the local, national interests. The IOC can help us professionally but we have to make our own decisions.
DailyNewsHungary: Let it be whatever sport event, Hungary has always organised them at a high level. Can this be our biggest advantage?
ZN: Of course. This is not only an advantage but is actually an expectation to 1) host international competitions and 2) at a high level. This is how we can prove that we really are good hosts and have the proficiency and establishments needed. You have to imagine the Olympic Games as 28 World Championships in one place at the same time. So it is our own interest to prove that we are capable of this.
DailyNewsHungary: You were the member of the Organising Committee of the London Olympics. How helpful can your experiences be?
ZN: Participation is completely different from organization. It requires a different method of preparation. It was an exceptional experience for me and I learned a lot. I was able to see the other side of the shield. The classical example for this is when you go to the theatre and enjoy a play. You know that this is the result of many people’s hard work in the background. This is what organising the Olympics is like. Thousands of people work backstage so that the audience may enjoy a well put-together show. This is a different world. I hope to utilise my experiences.
DailyNewsHungary: Many articles write about the expenses of the Olympics in Rio and how they kept growing. Can we talk about payback apropos of Olympic Games? If yes, how long does it take?
ZN: When talking about an investment, its payback – the extent and time – is what’s important. Economic measurements have been made concerning the Olympics in Budapest. The numbers are quite different from previous Olympics. I think that if we look at this exclusively from an economic angle and whether or not it would be profitable then we are probably on the wrong path. I admit that the economic intent is important but this needs to be under the final goal which is hosting a memorable Olympic Games that serves the interests of the nation and takes Hungary’s good reputation all around the world. If this was profitable I think it would be beyond all of our dreams. We need to look at this investment in a way that the infrastructure and establishments stay here. The knowledge stays here and this unique experience would define generations for a long time. A good example of this is Moscow. People who experienced the Olympic Games in 1980 think of it with tears in their eyes up to this day. This is also the case with the people of Sydney. To sum up, this is our plan; enrichment in the long run.
DailyNewsHungary: Rio is approaching. How many quotas do we already have and how many would be a realistic expectation all in all?
ZN: We can talk about two areas. One is, for instance, athletics and swimming in which quotas are achieved by athletes based on their objective results. The other category is the different as the athletes compete for the quotes based on their nationality. This is still in process. At the moment we have 58 quota places. Out of this, around 48-50 is realistic because for instance we have swimmers with more than one quotas but they won’t compete in all of the styles possible. It would be a great result if we could reach the number of London, which were 158 athletes. This mostly depends on the team sports. We can enter 13 players in water polo and 14 in handball. If both women and men qualify, we will reach this desired number. I truly hope that this will be the case!
DailyNewsHungary: How different is the preparation for a transatlantic Olympic Games?
ZN: The challenge is much bigger. The conditions are easier at an Olympics hosted in your continent. It’s hard to transport everything from sports equipment to medical apparel. It’s much more complicated and expensive this is why we started the preparation early on. We now have concrete plans.
DailyNewsHungary: Some medal estimations have already been published. Can we start guessing in this phase? If yes, what can be a realistic expectation?
ZN: I can only say that our performance in London was exceptional. They still ask about the secret of the ‘Hungarian magic’ up to this day. The Hungarian athletes didn’t only perform exceptionally but achieved amazing results in a wide variety of sports. If we came near to this, it would be just great. If we look back, we didn’t achieve as much in numbers when competing on another continent. Jet lag and the tropical environment can be difficulties which everyone will have to face. Still, I hope for good results!
DailyNewsHungary: You had the chance to experience more than one Olympic Games. Which was your most special Olympic experience?
ZN: Sydney was beautiful. The Olympic Games were fantastic in an uplifted frame of mind. Australian hospitality is world-famous, everyone was helpful. As President Samaranch rightfully said at the closing ceremony: ‘The best games ever!’ Out of the Winter Olympics, I think that Vancouver was a very similar experience. The venue, the organisation, the feeling, everything was superb. When talking about the performance, London is the winner. Listening to the Hungarian national anthem in a row is beyond expression.
DailyNewsHungary: How is the Hungarian Olympic Committee preparing to celebrate the 120th anniversary of its formation?
ZN: This is a very special event for us. Especially because the Olympic family has now 206 member nations and HOC is the 6th oldest out of them. We are only one and a half years younger than the IOC itself. Hungary had Ferenc Mező as a representative to establish the IOC. We are really proud to have been formed one and a half years later. We will celebrate this on the 14th and 15th of December but I don’t want to give away too much because we have many surprises planned. We want to celebrate the Hungarian Olympic family and its achievements with full devotion.
DailyNewsHungary: Finally, we’d like to invite you to a little time traveling game. Close your eyes and imagine that you wake up in Budapest, 2024. We are in the world of your wishes. What do you see?
ZN: I see a beautiful Olympic Village at the Csepel Island with a fantastic Olympic Park that fascinates the people of both Budapest and Hungary. We are surrounded by training fields, race-tracks and are getting ready for the 33rd Summer Olympic Games in August.
DailyNewsHungary: Let it be just like Dr. Zsigmond Nagy wishes!
Written by Alexandra Béni
Source: Daily News Hungary