Iconic Hungarian castles get renovated: Spectacular exhibition documents the restorations

An exhibition documenting the restoration of Somoskő, Fülek, and Divény (Divín) castles will open on Wednesday in Fülek, Slovakia, at the Municipal Local History Museum. The photography exhibition highlights work carried out in the 1970s and 1980s and includes archaeological artefacts, the Fülek Castle Museum announced on Monday to MTI. 

Fülek castle
The Fülek Castle. Photo: Sztudva Gyöngyi/Wikimedia

The historical photographs, many of which will be displayed in their original form, document the restoration efforts led by Gábor Krúdy, former director of the Slovak Institute for Monument Preservation and Nature Protection in Lučenec, according to the announcement. Visitors will also see images of more recent restoration work and the current state of the monuments, illustrating the long-term efforts to preserve and maintain these historic sites.

Somoskő Castle exhibition restoration Fülek Divény
The Somoskő Castle. Civertan Graphic Studio/Wikimedia

Archaeological finds from the three castles will also be featured in the exhibition. Artefacts from Fülek and Somoskő castles originate from excavations carried out by the Fülek Castle Museum, while those from Divény Castle were unearthed by the Archaeological Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Nitra. The displayed items, dating from the 15th to 17th centuries, primarily consist of ceramic and metal objects used in daily life

Divény castle
Remnants of the Divény Castle. Photo: Richard Rusnák/Wikimedia

As noted in the announcement, the exceptional value of these historical photographs lies in the fact that Krúdy’s images are the only surviving records of the restoration, preservation, and excavation efforts at the castles, as no other written documentation from that period has been preserved.

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